[VPG] Vantage Point Gaming

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Created: 2016-01-18

7,190,003 / 3,306,000

2800h 40m


Hey, you guys interested in clan v clan matches? Setting up different game modes and sizes of scrims (6v6, 15v15, etc.). Pairing up smaller clans to get the bigger game modes. Also, if a clan can only commit to having 5 players in a match, setting up ringers to beef up their numbers. If you're at all interested in clan alliances for matches or being a ringer yourself - Hit me up on BL to coordinate.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Again another server run by under performing, low skilled players. Playing against VPG members is like 8 year old pee-wee footballers playing in the NFL while also being the referees. The joke is these man babies sound like they have speech impediments on team-speak while being controlled by a inferiority complex that makes a challenge becomes personal and losing becomes pain. Ban everyone better than you, suddenly you are the god of cripples. That is what this clan should be called; Gods Cripples. "Praying only makes us worse"
8 years ago • 0 Like
So if you do to well in a VPG server they will Ban you. Seems they are not up for a challenge.
8 years ago • 1 Like
MaYhEmOAD noob, L O S E R
8 years ago • 0 Like
I'm noticing the same thing. I have several metabans on servers because "certain" admins...not all, don't even give people the time of day for an explanation. How else are you able to remove oneself from this list. Literally the entire opposing team towards the end of the game was onboard with the admins decision. Funny how that works. Regardless, I'd prefer to play on the server if the admin will allow.
8 years ago • 0 Like
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^^^^Total Bs the only time we go ban someone is when someone is sure of foul play i was just banned from your alls server 5 minutes ago cause i was kicking your clans butt with the phantom bow on zavod tdm maybe as a suggestion get the plugin that tells ya when someone gets a headshot on someone instead of just banning people cause they get 1 shot kills on hardcore mode with 1 shot weapons like the boltsniper or bow
8 years ago
Ghost: Sorry for the late reply. Now first off i would like to say i dont know why and how but had not heard of a ban on your person. Now I dont know why an so on you have been banned from our server but if this is the case that your actually banned from the server you always have the option to go to our website www.vantagepointgaming.com and make a ban appeal. Every person has the right to do this. Then there is a chance for you to go and explain your self on how and so on. just remember when dealing with our admins to be respective. Coming into our place with a negative voice or acting will not get you far. So I would say try and do the ban appeal and mayby the ban will be turned around.
8 years ago
Hey guys I'm no longer playing on your server till the "team balancing" or whatever you want to call it is fixed. Been balanced for "low score" to the losing team when I'm either #1 on the winning team with the most score or I get kicked out of my squad with clan mate and switched to the opposite team. none of this should happen to anyone. Thanks for the easy kills and have fun.
8 years ago • 0 Like
can some one please accept my application for the platoon?
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi all, finally got the game purchased, will you please let me in?
9 years ago • 0 Like
HELLLLLLLOOOOOO!!! Just downloaded it!!
9 years ago • 0 Like
knock knock let me in its scary out here pls turn on the lights
9 years ago • 0 Like
thanks for invite!
9 years ago • 0 Like