[GENs] Generals ONLY

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Created: 2015-02-07

50,423 / 190,000

1059h 34m


Didn't know generals stood for vagina's. 3 on 11 seems pretty fair and all of you pussies switched sides. No wonder you only have 10 people dumb enough to stay in your platoon. 5 VS 5 match....any time, our server, bring your best. Let me know if your man enough to step up because I am calling you out.... Voted best server....lemme guess 6-4 vote from your platoon decided it?
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey itsa me RedFox I am currently a general graduating from Battlefield 3 to 4 and I am eager to join the platoon. thnx 4 reading. bai now.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hi I am Redzing Gaming I have played on your server and wishing to be in your platoon thx have a wonderful day.
9 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
correction Daywalker_1402, the best K/D is 2.37 so, you know helps to get the facts right before running your mouth.
9 years ago
meh, i prefer running my mouth
9 years ago
the gens server in a nutshell....if you're good then stay away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8lZNxK8sXc [youtube.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Not even close, they switch people not based on skill or how good they are in a match they switch people around so that its even numbers on each side or that there are other platoons playing in the server and match them up. and the sever says in the description that they will kick for Gen members. stop your complaining its just One server out of god kows how many. you could always find a new one
9 years ago
i can't play in the server because i was banned because i shot mr doomsday with a witchcraft weapon known as a sniper rifle. i have never been back to the server since. the only reason i played in there in the first place was because my fellow platoon member crazymane420 was in there and i joined on him. took me all of an hour and a half to get banned since i was better than your team. so naturally when i get banned from a server on the first time in there i warn good players not to play in there because it's a waste of time
9 years ago
Currently holding open auditions for Generals only...join our squad and introduce yourself.
9 years ago • 0 Like