[HR] Hells Rejects

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Website: www.hellsrejects.net • Created: 2014-02-27

191,254 / 221,000

864h 29m
We are Hells Rejects, Est. 02/2009 we have strived as a community of gamers and friends to ptfo everywhere we go. We have been in multiple games and game modes and are still standing strong.

Want to challenge us? Visit our Competitive Platoon and read the Presentation. (Link below) http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/4128231884073675333/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Clan Record: 7-0-3
HR v iWIN 3-0/3-0 (dom)
HR v Gmob 3-0 (dom)
HR v RC 3-0 (dom)
HR v xS 2-4/0-3 (dom)
HR v FXe 2-0 (CQ)
HR v AoA 1-3 (CQ)
HR v CBC 3-0 (CQ)
HR v KING 0-0 (CQ) win due to DQ (using 4 spectators)
We are always looking to recruit new people who know what teamwork is! You must be able to tryout with us and be able to prove yourself and be dedicated. We will only recruit great players with great mentality and communication.

Current Requirements:
1) **Apply at the website (Mail Icon)**
2) Be active! (both in game and on the website)
3) Communicate accordingly.
4) Be mature! (with a sense of humor of course)
5) Prove yourself on the field!
6) Last but no least.......Dedicated players only...No clan hoppers!

If you think you have what it takes, apply on the website ,add the leaders then come tryout with us.

(Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice!)


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?