[IDH8] IDH82 Gaming

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Website: idh82gamingcommunity2003.zyrosite.com • Created: 2014-07-24

14,071,537 / 3,306,000

4297h 18m
IDH82 Gaming
Est. March 11, 2003 ©All Rights Reserved
WINS/32,322 loses/ 4,302
Second Generation Owner: pmkc also known as GhillieintheMist
PLATFORMS: PC, XBOX360, XBOXONE, Xbox one xs, PS3, PS4, ps5, CELL PHONE, PC.
For casual, competitive, and milsim/roleplay players
PS3 SERVERS: 1. Death Valley
Facebook: IDH82 gaming community
Allies and friends: HIGH, JSOC, BOG, DAMN, MARS, FYK, CIA.
Looking for only the most elite battlefield players. We play on battlefield bad company 2, battlefield 3, battlefield 4, battlefield hardline all the COD's, medal of honor games plus many more. We also help with looking for tags and help getting assignments. We have 22 servers across many platforms and games so please ask. Sportsman-like conduct is key in our squad. We do not deal with hackers or trash talking during platoon wars. Any other time please talk shit to let off steam and joke as much as possible most of us do it all in good fun so that being said if you get offended easily then this isn't the platoon for you. We have a small milsim group within SOPF that does it on a different server on their own time. You will respect your enemy as much as you respect your squad mates. THAT BEING SAID BRING ALL PROBLEMS TO FOUNDERS TO HANDLE SITUATIONS DO NOT START DRAMA OR YOU ARE OUT. You do not have to be active alot to join life comes first, but there are perks if you are on frequently and recruit alot . Notify all admins and platoon leaders of hackers during platoon wars. WE DO NOT ALLOW MODERS IN THIS PLATOON. If you are suspected of moding and are proven guilty you will be kicked. NOT ADHERING TO RULE 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 MAY RESULT IN KICK.
Requirements to join:
1. Must be 18 years of age or older.(Exceptions available) (6/21/19)
2. Must have a Sponsor and Recruiter to join.(2018)
3. Must have mic, or be willing to get one.
4. Must know english.
5. Must unjoin any other platoon. (loyalty above all). (7/2/19)
6. Must be able to check battlelog and check it every week for updates on platoon wars.
7. Must be present during platoon war or prior notice given if not available. (If name is listed on attendance of upcoming platoon war)
8. Meet requirements of K/D, level, skill, wins, over all score, and over all kills according to founder.
9. Follow commands of commander and squad leaders during platoon wars.
10. Obey all rules on all servers and obey what founders and leaders tell you no matter what without any attitude, talk back or drama or you will be voted to be kicked out.
11. Wear the SOPF tag (no exceptions). This used to be the top ten ranked platoon when the game came out. We need to represent more now, than ever. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE EMBLEM OR YOU CAN EDIT IT TO YOUR LIKING. IF YOU ARE CAUGHT WEARING A DIFFERENT TAG YOU WILL BE DEMOTED OR POSSIBLY KICKED.


Most of us are on ps4, xbox one, and PC now. If you are not a member or do not want to join please do not comment up here. We don't associate with regular boring platoons that are not big time gaming communities. WE ARE A PROFIT ORGANIZATION FOR THOSE WHO DONATE AND/OR BET ON MATCHES THERE ARE BIGGER REWARDS IN STORE.
4 years ago • 0 Like
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To all who are thinking about applying to this gaming community, we have no quarrels with anyone who has issues with us. That being said it is one sided. We assure you that all the rumors are just that, lies. We only associate with high ranking squads on different games so if anyone has a problem with us we understand that people get mad when we win a battle fair and square. It happens, but if you think you can progress on any battlefield alone, you're wrong. These types of games require teamwork for good stats. That is all.
5 years ago • 0 Like
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So to keep everyone up to date since we don't use battle log much because we're not just a platoon on one game, our tournament team has won two qualifications in the new gen modern warfare game and has gone on to win 12th place in the first tournament and 6th in the second one. WE ARE NOT A DEAD COMMUNITY. We have amassed 500+ members across PC, Xbox one, ps3, ps4, google play, and soon to be ps5. If you can't beat us, join us. 18+ only.
4 years ago • 0 Like
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Im back everybody! Farin is back and ready for action!
4 years ago • 0 Like
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I'm back guys it's doc ...looks like I'm running the show on ps4 bf4
4 years ago • 0 Like
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Our ps4 server for bf4 is up. Unlike old members who wouldn't take the time to figure it out our banner is up as well now.
4 years ago • 0 Like
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Server is up for ps4!
4 years ago • 0 Like
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We are now on CSR2 and 8-ball pool for mobile!
5 years ago • 0 Like
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We are now on Assassins Creed 4 black flag also!
5 years ago • 0 Like
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To all Milsim players we are recruiting. We have a training server, but you must join and leave other platoons to use it.
5 years ago • 0 Like
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To everyone applying this community has casual, competitive, and milsim/roleplay players. YOU MUST APPLY ON OUR WEBSITE LISTED ABOVE FOR ANY GAME OR CONSOLE. If you aren't involved in all our community pages how do you expect to find said players?
5 years ago • 0 Like
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5 years ago • 1 Like
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If you want to bet money on matches please schedule them a month in advance and b aware that you must be 18 or older to place money in pool.
5 years ago • 0 Like
Also you are not allowed to be involved with platoon wars or betting if you have a jail broken PS3 or PS4. Nor can you be involved on PC/xbox360/xbox one.
5 years ago
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Pmkc add this account
5 years ago • 0 Like
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Could i join soph
6 years ago • 0 Like
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I would like to play with more coordination as a clan. My ambition has been to go pro for sometime, and even though I don’t know very much here and Im new, I’d like to see more team cooperation . I’ve seen some of what It takes and I believe i have what it takes to make a substantial difference in team interactions. Thanks
6 years ago • 2 likes
Uh....I don't have you in a squad yet. We are all on our servers during the week you just have to be on. We don't take things too seriously unless during a platoon war. That's why we're listed as number 38 as top platoons for old gen.
6 years ago
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New SOPF website: https://specialoperationforcesgamingcommunity2005.enjin.com/ [specialoperationforcesgamingcommunity2005.enjin.com]
5 years ago • 0 Like
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TDM - 2v2
5 years ago • 0 Like
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check out our facebook page at SOPF Gaming Community!
5 years ago • 0 Like
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Platoon battle is as follows:
SOPF vs BomB 12v12 ps3
SOPF wins! Great job guys!
5 years ago • 0 Like
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