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View all Members (28)

Created: 2014-12-22

55,253 / 121,000

1158h 11m
We are such wow!!!
Super amazing MLG pro gamers.
360 rekt Noob!!!

Nah just kidding.
We are an active group of people mostly english/german.

There are no rules for becoming a member.
Just dont be a cocky dic* and a mice would be recomended.


Hi played with you guys back on ps3 and forgot my account my name was haroldake0071 and I was wondering if I can join back the clan pls
6 years ago • 0 Like
Hello Everyone...! I'm now on PS4 so please add me if in not currently on your list as the old ps3 is now owned by the kids, so you will not find your names connected on that previous system. ps how do you migrate your ps3 soldier stats to your new bf4 version? thanks and Godbless
8 years ago • 0 Like
hello there
this is tjophoeloe i just applied for the clan...but my name on battlelog is marr0n thats my real name,well the 0 is a o ...but whatever man ....i hope it worked so kill em kill em gogogogo

10 years ago • 0 Like
Sup people...was chatting to Don and we are hoping that you will use your Tag for the clan attached to your name. As active members you can now and should know how to do it. If you are still unclear how to do it. Just go to your soldier tag and customize on the right, its in there. If you don't want to use it then cool no biggy. Also please bear in mind that we are a clan that likes enjoying the game and there are NO official leaders as such especially in game. Anyone can take point/lead the squad, but we often just go nuts and just roll out.

Hope everyone is ok. Peace and Godbless!
10 years ago • 0 Like