[TWT] Tactical Warfare Team

  • Founder
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Website: www.tacticalwarfareteam.clanwebsite.com • Created: 2014-05-16

20,657 / 53,000

368h 30m
Welcome to the home of TWT.

At TWT we play to win using tried and tested methods that have been in place since our beginnings in 2012.

Our aim is to enjoy the game and at TWT you will play with some friendly mature minded players.

We don't believe in judging players by stats because we know that most players like to have fun or try new things on the battlefield which at times can affect stats. However, we do require that each and every player can hold his/her own out there. If that's a struggle then we are here to help.

A few minimum requirements include:

* Mic is required
* Good spoken English
* Respect to clan members
* Ability to follow instruction (competitive play)
* No background noise while in game

We will be playing competitively on BF4 and BF1. Leaders are active on Battlelog and PSN, do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information you may require.

**** Any member inactive in game will be kicked as we want to try keep only active members in the clan. if you are kicked for inactivity and wish to rejoin you may do so if you wish to play on BF4 or BF1.

TWT: EST 2012


Hello Everyone! It has come to my attention that a ex-member of TWT has been making a fuss over who founded Tactical Warfare Team. As the Founder of the clan I am going to address this as best as I can. I founded TWT back on BF3. I have promoted Tooshjr to be a leader of TWT. He is currently leading TWT on BF4 because I am no longer able to lead TWT, the reason being me switching to PC and I am not spending enought time playing battlefield. However, in this post I hope to end all the drama that is going on! It is very strange that a person who was only in the clan for a few months then disappeared would claim that he founded TWT. I remember finding him on battlelog, And I wanted to play a match against his clan called: "Merciless Contractors" which he advertised on battlelog 2012-10-29. which is 3 monthes after TWT was originaly founded. We talked on PSN to organize a clan match. However he told me that he only had 2 members and asked if I could help him so we formed a "alliance" However he then asked to join TWT instead, because his clan did not work out. He did bring "Shadows_Merc" with him to join TWT. I placed Topscorer1988 to lead Bravo squad with some of the best TWT players at the time because I did not want him to struggle in leading his squad as he did back when He was leading "Merciless Contractors" He did his part well In the few games he actualy played. However MunchyZeus (otherwise known as Topscorer1988) never got promoted beyond the point of squad leader. He did however ask if he could be promoted to leader which I declined. It is very desperate to claim that he founded TWT for the sake of drawing in people to his new clan. stating "I have co-founded one of the most successful clans from the time of BF3." in this statement he never wrote that he co-founded TWT however it is the only "successful" clan he has been apart of, if he does not mean "Merciless Contractors" which is hardly a successful clan. However he has also claimed to have co-founded TWT in other posts. No proof exist of him being involved in founding the platoon, leading it or being very involved with TWT on ps3 as I said, he disappeared without warning and he got kicked due to inactivity and his position as a squad leader was then removed. He then got replaced by Bam. Bam, luggy2013, esu or any TWT member of the old clan will know that I founded TWT and tooshjr was second in command. Second part is below
8 years ago • 1 Like
I am no longer involved in TWT so I cant say who else would be able to confirm this, only tooshjr can do that. all in all I am the sole Founder of Tactical Warfare Team. Under the name of "Andreas9806" on PS3. Proof of that can be found on battlelog at the original Platoon page of TWT. The 3 profils being charge of leading the platoon: "Andreas9806 founder" "Tooshjr leader" and "IPontifexMaximus leader" TWT was founded 2012-07-28 the same day I joined Battlelog. which can be found under my account "Andreas9806" My new account IPontifexMaximus was created due to me not being able to log into PSN. I hope this addresses the accusations of who founded TWT. I hope munrozeus will put on his big girl panties, and stop with whatever he is doing to TWT and keep going with his life. munrozues was in the clan and he was a squad leader and only that. He then disapeard and the platoon ran fine without him. To take credit for my work, tooshjrs work and all other people who have been helping the platoon to grow is a backstab to everyone in TWT and also his new clan by lying to them about the situation. So now I hope this can be put behind us. TWT has suffered worse drama then this and I hope that everyone at TWT would keep going as normal and stay strong. "We are many but fight as one" a common saying back at Ps3. I wanted to talk to munzues personaly but as he removed me on battlelog before I knew about the incident. Anyone else who would like to ask questions I am happy to answer them all, to the best of my abillites.
Sincerely, Andreas "aka" Pontifex Founder of Tactical Warfare Team
8 years ago • 1 Like
Merciless Contractors advertisement: https://gyazo.com/1b200ebe362b39cbeef22a110f7c288c [gyazo.com]
TWT founded 2012-07-28:
https://gyazo.com/f40b16c7cc1a8c0261bdf455c3ba1dcf [gyazo.com]
Munrozeus joining TWT:
https://gyazo.com/6be9f2b6a0e7439fda2affffa8eb6c7f [gyazo.com]
Claim to have co-founded TWT:
https://gyazo.com/c6d3141f5e3cce691d9e16448ea0150d [gyazo.com]
TWT original platoon page:
https://gyazo.com/547fe6a584f081c60968505c15c1bbec [gyazo.com]
Claim to co-founded successful clan: https://gyazo.com/039bb43bdb10d5c0519ca970e1f33761 [gyazo.com]
Munrozeus kicked due to inactivity:
https://gyazo.com/4f3ed8dd7f4cd9b5a84bf6bfcb3a518d [gyazo.com]
My old account:
https://gyazo.com/0f90382a9ec5a3b244be3889f16826d7 [gyazo.com]
8 years ago • 1 Like
3 years ago • 0 Like
Hey all ! I know I've been removed from inactivity, but I'm one of the original PS3 members. Toosh was the first guy I met and remember my initiation into the PS3 clan like it was yesterday !!! I've been busy last few years with my nursing degree but wanted to just check in and see how everyone is doing ! Hope you are all well and keeping the TWT clan alive !

It's a shame to hear about the argument over the original founder....As one of the first people to join the clan when it was still a small growing group (Around 6-8 members at the time), Andreas was in charge and created the clan, with Toosh as the other main leader...I know this argument Is probably long gone but the clarification is still useful haha.

As always guys 'We are many and fight as one'.

pS3: DanDanzini95/HelghanArmy
Ps4: UmbrellaCorp1995
7 years ago • 1 Like
T8/T12 Scrim?
8 years ago • 0 Like

Rules for competitive Conquest:

Conquest Ruleset



– ALL DLC* Weapons/Accessories

– Semi-Auto Shotguns (QBS-09 / M1014 / SAIGA 12K / DB-V12)

•M84 Flashbang
•ALL DLC* Gadgets

•Active/Passive Radar
•Staff Shell
•Gunner Soflam
•Gunner Incendiary

If a team violates a restriction, only the map the item was used on will be forfeited and not the entire match.

*Note: The DLC items banned are those from paid DLC (expansion packs) only. Items released through free updates are allowed.

•Zavod 311
•Paracel Storm
•Siege of Shanghai
•Lancang Dam
•Rouge Transmission
•Operation Locker
•Golmud Railway
•Hainan Resort
•Flood Zone

•Team Balance OFF
•3D Spotting ON
•Friendly Fire OFF
•Killcam ON
•Ticket Count 75%
•Time Limit 34%
•Spectators OFF
•Auto Rotation OFF
•Slow Down ON

Burn Round must be set to Obliteration (Has to be a map from the base game).
8 years ago • 1 Like
add me in
8 years ago • 0 Like
8 years ago • 0 Like
Best of luck to MunchyZeus with his future and with his new clan. My goal now is to assemble the team for large scale clan battles.
I'm available to contact on PSN 20hrs a day and I'm looking forward to getting to where we need to be at.
8 years ago • 0 Like
i applied and met those requirements

i will be thankful if you guys let me join your clan
8 years ago • 1 Like
can you shoot me a friend request on PSN? we can get a few games in and see about getting you in? Ive a couple of things I like to find out about new players coming in, its just a formality.
8 years ago
I have applied to the clan I hope you guys can let me join :)
8 years ago • 1 Like
I've added you on here man, when you accept the request we'll have a talk and see what we can do. I've a couple of things id like to know, just a formality thing that I ask all new players to the clan.
8 years ago
I applied looking forward to platoon wars.
8 years ago • 1 Like
Can you send me a friend request on PSN so we can squad up and get prepped for these Platoon Wars?
8 years ago
CW CQ small 16:16,plaese contact me
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi guys,I want to offer you to play klan wars 8x8 bnl rules,if interestingly add me in battlelog
9 years ago • 0 Like
16v16 CQ small? Add me
9 years ago • 0 Like
WAZAAAAAAAAAAAP TWT and Toosh ;) Guesss whooooooo ??? I haven't been able to get bf4 yet but i found bf3 for about £2 so I am on that until i get it again for ps3. Much love Umbrellacorp9410 <3 AKA the ps4 no premium guy D: I HAVE IT ON BF3 THO MEUHAHAHAH
10 years ago • 0 Like
Am I in or what?
10 years ago • 0 Like
hi guys i applied to your platoon i played bf3 on another account just in case you dont see any bf4 reports on this account i am friend with one of your members
10 years ago • 0 Like
hi guys i applied to your platoon i played bf3 on another account just in case you dont see any bf4 reports on this account i am friend with one of your members
10 years ago • 0 Like