[SEAL] SealTeamSix

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Created: 2014-02-27

9,242 / 10,000

8h 37m
Quote of the day:
"If today is to be the day, so be it.
If you seek to do battle with me this day you will receive the best fight that i am capable of giving.
It may not be enough, but it will be everything that i have to give and it will be impressive for i have constantly prepared myself for this day.
I have trained, drilled, and rehearsed my actions so that i might have the best chance of defeating you.
I have kept myself in peak physical condition, schooled myself in the martial skills and have become proficient in the application of combat tactics.
You may defeat me, but you will pay a severe price and will be lucky to escape with your life.
You may kill me, but i am willing to die if necessary.
I do not fear death, for i have been close enough to i on enough occasions that it no longer concerns me.
But i do fear the loss of my honor and would rather die fighting than to have it said that i was without courage so i will fight you, no matter how insurmountable it may seem, and to the death if need me, in order that i may not be said of me that i was not a warrior...


Hi guys! I'm Duckyyy from the Realgamingcartel *RGC*.
Looking to set up a small scrim on the 360 in the near future. Nothing serious, just a couple games that are more entertaining that usual.

Lemme know if your interested =)
Regards Duckyyyy.
10 years ago • 0 Like
you guys are up for a clan battle with us? (kotk)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Quote of the day:
"If today is to be the day, so be it.
If you seek to do battle with me this day you will receive the best fight that i am capable of giving.
It may not be enough, but it will be everything that i have to give and it will be impressive for i have constantly prepared myself for this day.
I have trained, drilled, and rehearsed my actions so that i might have the best chance of defeating you.
I have kept myself in peak physical condition, schooled myself in the martial skills and have become proficient in the application of combat tactics.
You may defeat me, but you will pay a severe price and will be lucky to escape with your life.
You may kill me, but i am willing to die if necessary.
I do not fear death, for i have been close enough to i on enough occasions that it no longer concerns me.
But i do fear the loss of my honor and would rather die fighting than to have it said that i was without courage so i will fight you, no matter how insurmountable it may seem, and to the death if need me, in order that i may not be said of me that i was not a warrior...
11 years ago • 0 Like
When Alexander the Greats father, Philip, was conquering in Greece, he was weary of the Spartans, even though their military might was much weaker than earlier in history. So, Philip decided to send the Spartans a letter, instead of attacking, hoping to reason with them and avoiding the possibility of being defeated by a much smaller spartan force. The letter sent read something like this: "If I enter Laconia, I will burn Sparta to the ground."
The reply from the spartans read as this: "If."

This will be our attitude this week.
11 years ago • 1 Like
Quote of the day:
But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour. — Winston Churchill
11 years ago • 0 Like
Added as many gamertags as i could, expect an invite from l31ackdrag0n. Cya on the battlefield.
11 years ago • 2 likes
Join today! Tactical or casual players with mics (please) on the 360.
11 years ago • 2 likes
Recruiting for Xbox360!
11 years ago • 1 Like