[75th] 75th Ranger Regiment

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Created: 2014-06-07

1,669 / 29,000

303h 38m
"RANGERS LEAD THE WAY". The 75th ranger regiment is based on a well know special forces unit in the united states army. !THIS IS A MILITARY BASED CLAN![/i]. witch means we use military tactics and military training. PS4 CLAN.

How can I get in?: First you must send me a message through PlayStation network explaining the following
1.Where did you find us?
2.Why should we accept you?
3.What can you do for us?
4.Do you have any military experience?
5.Do you have any clan experience?

After you answer these questions I well look over them and decide if you are good enough for 75th.

How is training: CLASSIFIED (we do not want other clans or people know how we train)

Is there a ranking system?: Yes, there are 25 ranks that you can be. once you finish basic (training) you well be a private first class or a PFC.

You can contact me through psn: toshiba1942 or by battlelog:blazed_1998


Hey guys are you willing to combine into TG? We are 500 strong on all platforms. If you would like to go to tacticalgaming.net and sign up. Use my name as your referrer -randomone12345
You must complete Boot Camp within the first 5 days of signing up
9 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 1 Like
10 years ago
hi I'm DarthEz. i like turtles and like longs walks. also here are my questions
1. i found you guys on FB
2. you should accept me cause Im DARTH!
3. i can tie my shoes and ride a bike with no handle bars! :D
also i can do mannnnyyy more things (messages me in private ;} )
4. no but i paintball :D
5. yes I'm Darth i fought in 3 different movies and won 2/3

well i hope you guys pick me cause I should make the training classified cause I'm Darth Ez
and my class rank should be Darth just saying.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Y'all a bunch of POGS but not even that lol
10 years ago • 0 Like
y isnt blake a leader anymore?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Join now we need fresh recruits for the grinder
10 years ago • 1 Like