[BWC] Black Widow Company
Website: the-bwc.com •
Created: 2014-08-20
30h 58m
We are a military-style gaming Company with a lengthy, unbroken history. This community is defined as military-style because it has a rigid support infrastructure patterned after a military unit with awards, decorations, ranks, billets, and duty positions. It has a hard-coded and stable Chain of Command with a dedicated corps of leaders, officers, and NCOs (Sergeants) at all levels. More than that, we pride ourselves on teamwork and community. We espouse an ethos encompassing unity, respect, brotherhood, and family.
We recognise that BWC members will come from all walks of life. Different cultures, different societies, different beliefs. This can cause problems because there may be varying definitions of what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. Whilst we respect that and make provisions for potential conflict due to widely divergent beliefs, the only thing that matters to BWC as a whole is *OUR ORGANISATION* and the code of conduct which governs our organisation: the SOP. Most of this can be summed up with one word: respect.
We are a military-style gaming Company with a lengthy, unbroken history. This community is defined as military-style because it has a rigid support infrastructure patterned after a military unit with awards, decorations, ranks, billets, and duty positions. It has a hard-coded and stable Chain of Command with a dedicated corps of leaders, officers, and NCOs (Sergeants) at all levels. More than that, we pride ourselves on teamwork and community. We espouse an ethos encompassing unity, respect, brotherhood, and family.
We recognise that BWC members will come from all walks of life. Different cultures, different societies, different beliefs. This can cause problems because there may be varying definitions of what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. Whilst we respect that and make provisions for potential conflict due to widely divergent beliefs, the only thing that matters to BWC as a whole is *OUR ORGANISATION* and the code of conduct which governs our organisation: the SOP. Most of this can be summed up with one word: respect.