[SOT] Symphony of Terror

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Website: sotplatoon.enjin.com/home • Created: 2014-11-04

4,781,978 / 3,306,000

1667h 10m
Welcome to Symphony of Terror:

Our original founders xXjaXx247, General Crazy &

By asking for an invite it means we have played with you in a squad or against you. By applying for the clan or accepting and invite either thru the actual console messaging system or thru battlelog or invited thru discord we believe that you could be a valuable asset to the clan. The players in Symphony of Terror are focused on a few main points: Teamwork, capturing and securing points on the map, having fun with fellow gamers & clan members. These key essentials are what motivates us to play this game to the best of our abilities , along with building a strong team as well as friendships both in this game, and out.

What to expect when joining our platoon:

We are looking for players who have experience & who are active players on the Battlefield franchise. Who can also keep up with the evolution and fast paced environment of the ever evolving scene. The more players we get, the more networking we allow ourselves to have, and the better relationships we can build to to play different clans etc. Clan Battles are what we would like to have, and will try to put our plans into action in the near future.

Rules and Regulations
1.) Sportsmanship is a big thing for us. We won't allow trash talk to our fellow clan members for mistakes, mishaps we also wont allow spamming mail or hateful messages to fellow gamers. We're a team, doesn't mean we're perfect. It doesn't matter if you're the best player in the world, if you can't show a certain level of respect, you shouldn't play with us.

2.) Activity is a big thing for us as well. If you are inactive longer than a month you are liable to get removed from Symphony of Terror. It isn't that we can't keep you, or we have people lined up to join. But, one month is a fair amount of time to get in contact with us either over Facebook, Discord or Playstation. Any extended period of time missing is fine with us, if you give us a notice. We will consider you on hiatus, and your spot will be saved up to 3 months. Or more, for special accommodations.

3.) We need players that are good in two types of classes and who will play objectives and capture points on the map. Granted kills in gives you the points you need to rank up however following the squad leaders orders and taking and holding objectives are the key importance for SOT.

4.) Notifying squad members on were the enemy is & spotting targets in game. Examples of targets would be infantry, armor, air forces, and slams. For players that are running the Assault & Support classes if you have the med pack/ ammo pack drop them for the squad as well as team. Their have been many examples were a match can be won or lost when ammo & med pack drops are a help on the field.

Welcome aboard the Symphony of Terror Platoon.

Original founder xXjaXx247
Clan Admiral: GeneralCrazy21

Main Commander- GeneralCrazy21

2nd Commanders: Shifty-prism12

Clan Captains: MjH617 & Yazel

Alpha Squad Leader: GeneralCrazy21
Bravo Squad Leader: Shifty-prism12
Charlie squad Leader: Yazel
Delta squad Leader: MJH617


Recruiting new members look for any of the Generals or our Commander online join play for a bit read through our list if you like to Join message any of the Generals!
10 years ago • 1 Like
Picked up a PS4 and am interested in joining a teamwork oriented clan -
I play the Battlefield series both on PC and PS4.
Checkout my Stats - Let me know if interested.
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 0 Like
Wtf? ON
10 years ago
I would like to be part of something great! Accept me. Psn syndicatez
10 years ago • 0 Like
Join our platoon!
10 years ago • 0 Like
hi iam new in the clan give me psn id
10 years ago • 1 Like
hello there! You're up for a clanbattle? 5v5 -> 10v10?
Conquest, Domination, Defuse - suggest a mode! :D
10 years ago • 0 Like
If you are checking out this platoon.... be sure to apply. Great group of guys, with great leadership. Always play the objective, and support each other every second possible. You rarely ever see these guys running to an objective alone.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Wondering if we can possibly get your support Saturday 10pm central time. we have a scrim against another platoon. Not sure what we are walking into at this point, its unclear big time.
10 years ago • 1 Like
i'm down
10 years ago
hey man by any chance could i get a shot at joining your platoon?
10 years ago • 1 Like
you're in
10 years ago
Hey, no disrespect intended. It looks as if you are having trouble recruiting.. Would you consider a merge? or even an alliance?
10 years ago • 0 Like
none taken but an alliance for sure. recruiting is slow due to just starting and no members haha most people dont see that they just see platoon rank and how many members.
10 years ago
welcome generalcrazy21
10 years ago • 0 Like
welcome aboard laggypotato2
10 years ago • 0 Like
join us
10 years ago • 0 Like