[DB] Devils Brigade

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Website: devilsbrigadeclan.enjin.com/ • Created: 2015-06-25

9,894,868 / 3,306,000

2757h 23m
We are a mature bunch of gamers that focus on squad and team play


To bad K5STEEL is a such childish noob. Absolutely pathetic.
2 years ago • 1 Like
BD46 . .. David P. From FB ..
8 years ago • 0 Like
Happy New Year Everyone!
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hey folks..what is your website? Thanks for the warm welcome and I enjoy playing with you guys and on your server. :D
8 years ago • 1 Like
It's http://devilsbrigadeclan.enjin.com/ [devilsbrigadeclan.enjin.com] And you're welcome on the server any time :)
8 years ago
Thank you! :)
8 years ago
Would have loved to play with you guys more but, GD masterbator 69 seems to think thermal vision is a wall hack LOL. It's easy to out think an angry person when there is only 8 people in a server and no one around to protect them. Masterbator 69 I would not accuse people of hacking when you cant seem to take cover...you glow bright white with thermal vision. Bob and weave buddy! it saves your life. What a shame to pay for a server and let angry people run it. Good luck filling your server guys. I would certainly reconsider who you give admin priv too.
8 years ago • 0 Like
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Holy crap...I just seen why you two cant understand. You both only have 60-100 kills in the tank. I get it now....sorry guys! I had no idea. Hopefully I didn't come across too rude. Well, I'm on my way with my experience to enjoy another server....
8 years ago
Just like a kid, has to try to act cool and come in after he is banned and talk crap. Well to in form you I dont tank much, not that I suck at it, I just dont choose to tank. Well im happy you found another server to play on, have fun in there and have a nice day.
8 years ago
You guys really know how to ruin a fun server. And BEAST needs to get a real life so he can stop getting off on his power trip of being server admin and kicking anyone that disagrees with him.

The teams were strongly stacked against us and you kicked a guy that was killing you too much. Again. And then when I ask why you BEAST is unable to act like an adult and is instead an asshole. Again. So he kicks me because I call him out on it. I guess I killed you too many times again, BEAST?

Take a look at the last few comments on here guys. It's all about BEAST being an ass. Wanna see your server go in the toilet? Let an admin make his personal therapy session where he can take out his rage on anyone that kills/beats/disagrees with/questions him.
9 years ago • 1 Like
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bring competitive playing LOL...so you can power trip and ban them!
8 years ago
LOL all you can do is troll the page...... LOL like a little kid who cant come in and play....
8 years ago
Just an update to our members and anyone else checking out our platoon page - We have, for the time being, turned off the "aggressive join" mode on our server. What this means is while our VIP members will get priority position in the server queue, people who are currently playing will no longer be kicked to make room for them.

We are looking into the possibility of a script that will allow aggressive join to function in a way that we can configure. The default, built-in mode seems to just choose players at random which can result in people who are in the middle of a match getting kicked to make room for a new player. We understand that this is frustrating for other players, and after discussing it we have decided to disable aggressive join for the time being.

For non-members, what this means is no more getting kicked to make room for a VIP. For members, it means you'll have to wait in the queue if the server is full but you'll be put at the front of the queue instead of the back. If we can find an acceptable way to configure aggressive join to not kick active players, then we may re-enable it.
8 years ago • 1 Like
Kicked from your server for no reason...way to run a server kids!!!
9 years ago • 1 Like
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you were most likely kicked for member joining..not that big deal...you dont wanna be kicked..fork over some cash
9 years ago
Unfortunately, the VIP list is part of the BF4 server software and not really something we have control over. We'd love to be able to configure it the same way you can configure a plugin, and provide parameters for it to decide who to kick(who joined most recently? Who's been idle? etc), but we can't. We can't even set a kick message so that people know why they're being kicked. It's very limited, and it's something we'd love for DICE to change but as of now we have fairly little control over the way it works.
9 years ago
BeastUMofo learn what roof a glitching before you ban you fuking noob. Roof we were on you jump to from roof above B. Quit holding your boyfriends cock in your other hand while you admin and you might actually be able to pay attention to what is glitching and what is not glitching UMofoNoob
9 years ago • 1 Like
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butt hurt much?
9 years ago
Nope... u r the Geek Admin with a complex, we have fun bro
9 years ago
I simply asked Beast to Admin the game correctly, and he bans me, for being on a roof at the same elevation or lower than others saying I was on in inaccessible roof, that on can get to just by jumping from one to another. He was giving in to all the little bitches who were complaining like DICE does to all the request to NERF a gun because they don't like it.
9 years ago • 1 Like
You were up there with slavenator, we asked you not to do that because it is unfair to all other players..get over yourself, come back in a week and play nice
9 years ago
Beastumofo, you need to learn what roofs are accessible before you ban people for being on roofs. Admin it to win it, dummy.
9 years ago • 1 Like
not worth a comment..come back in a week and play nice..your mouth is what got you kicked.. nothing else
9 years ago
Shaking off a 5 month rust. Night maps are soo ominous :O.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Applied to your Brigade if you'd have me. Used to hang regularly at one time with TBF and know some of the guys have joined you guys. Thinking of punishing myself with a nice relaxing game of BF after work again. Its angry time! OH BOY! :-)
9 years ago • 0 Like
added capt and thanks for joining
9 years ago
Hey guys, one of you seems to have just banned me from your server with reason being "pb ban june 2014". It was a false positive, here's some more info on it: http://evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support-bf4.php [evenbalance.com]

Go down to June 2014 or just search for "81568", they say: "Monday 06.23.2014 We have confirmed that Violation #81568 may be triggered by non-cheat software. This Violation code has been removed from our system and we encourage server admins to give the benefit of the doubt to players who raised this violation number. "

Any chance of an unban?

9 years ago • 0 Like
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The ban was done just recently because we had not looked you up before now. As far as it being last year, that makes no difference at all, If I suspect a cheater and I see a ban from anytime period, he will be banned even if it was 10 years ago in a completely different game. I have looked at many of your stats and checked different sites for bans and have found none. So I will unban you for now based on the admission by evenbalance that this was most likely an error on their part. But I would strongly suggest that you follow up with them and try to get this off your record if possible. As an admin I have to look out for the players first and make sure there are as few hackers as possible playing this game. I am sure you would understand if you ran your own server, this is a very difficult task and a thankless one at that.
9 years ago
Well said good sir. I herinthereby agree 100%! :)
9 years ago
We Hope Everyone is enjoying our Server
Don't forget to visit our website @ http://devilsbrigadeclan.enjin.com [devilsbrigadeclan.enjin.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Oh snap, we kinda copied ya to be successful :(
9 years ago • 0 Like
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I don't know, need some new maps, TV is more interesting at the moment ;)
9 years ago
i would like to to be a DB plz
9 years ago
9 years ago • 0 Like
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He will spice up the place, that's for sure :)
9 years ago
oh yes he does that lol
9 years ago
It's live!!!!!!!!

9 years ago • 0 Like
yes sir !!!!!!! :)
9 years ago