  • Founder

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Created: 2015-01-28

2,501 / 10,000

2h 23m
We be assigning players to classes they are best at, and create a fire team for tactical use across all aspects. We do this so that we have players in the squad who are playing their class, and not just playing anything. BOOTCAMP servers will be a required course. In bootcamp, we will be assessing players based off of their leadership, communication, team play, and objective style play when there is no fireteam leader present. Those who excel during bootcamp, will be recommended to leadership school, where they will graduate, and become fireteam leaders and lead our SEALS into the fight. When you're not playing with the platoon, of course you are free to play whatever class you choose, and mess around who cares haha. This platoon is founded off of communication, team play and support, and objective game style. Stick together on a server and when playing, communicate, and keep everyone informed with what is going on at any given time on the battlefield. Its extremely tactical.

We are a joint operating group with the SWOC, SWCC, and HAWX. We provide quick, in and out, with minimal casualties. SWOC provides infantry, anti air, anti tank, and supressive fire. SWCC provides boats, and operations communications. HAWX provides air coverage, air drops, parajumps, etc. SEALS provides special operating tactics to get dangerous objective missions/operations throughout the battlefield, providing a swift blow to the enemy, and a quick victory.

-Have fun and enjoy yourself
-Be friendly to your platoon mates
-Must have a mic for communicating throughout a match
-Cannot be inactive for more than 3 months
-No kids 14 or under
-Platoon Emblem and Tag

Check out our facebook page! www.facebook.com/sealclanus

Here's our official website:
http://aworldlikeours.wix.com/sealclan [aworldlikeours.wix.com]


hey guys i am one of the founders of TUS do u wanna face us in a clan battle

game modes : domination 5v5 10v10 , rush 10v10 12v12

rules : ESL rules

please add me and we can talk

9 years ago • 0 Like
Looking for a new PS3 clan! How is the PS3 activity in this clan?
9 years ago • 0 Like
A.N.N Ajan Network news presentation :after research and analysis, we came to the conclusion that AJAN CLAN with 11.000.000 Points make the first place on Battlefield 4 game in Turkey.We have 500 Clan members need the same 1.Place in Turkey and top 3 of a World in Battlefield 4 Platoons.We have many Clan members from around the World, so we have created a new clan AJAN WORLD for you.You are welcome when like to Play with us. I am ABOKOM Asbera say to you, enjoy it.
4. Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/.../ [battlelog.battlefield.com][battlelog...
1.Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/.../ [battlelog.battlefield.com][battlelog...
2.Kol Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/.../ [battlelog.battlefield.com][battlelog...
3. Kol Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/.../ [battlelog.battlefield.com][battlelog...
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hi I'm active on x-box 360 I'm on most days and I have been looking for a clan that actually sticks together and I read about the clan and I'm excited to finally find a clan that does that I applied and hopefully I can be a part of this clan and i'[m good with the support class.
10 years ago • 0 Like
SWCC team standing by any time to assist running a boat team of 4 operators call us when you need us
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
Navy seals for the wi
10 years ago
10 years ago
anyone on xbox 1 want to play bored out of my mind
10 years ago • 0 Like
I'm on PC! If anyone wants to squad up on PC let me know. I play Hardcore!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Chat with me later when you're on so we can get you through the introduction phase and put in the platoon. We need more PC players.
10 years ago
Let me in..... I'm worth your time. Just try me.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Is this mostly xbox? I can only do PS3 -_- nvm.
10 years ago
Greetings, I'm looking for an active Clan to join. I play most nights, on Xone, and I mostly play Assault Class but I also do well as an Engineer. I am looking foward to discussing what your clan is all about.
10 years ago • 1 Like
I applied on the webpage and here, ive been looking for a good clan actually interested in playing together which ive not found in the two clans i joined previously. Looking forward to hearing from you, you sound like you know what youre about. Thank you and have a nice day.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Internet is being slow right now, I literally just saw this. Sorry about that, I apologize. PM me and we'll talk further about the platoon before we add you on. I like to inform everyone what they're getting into and then bring them into the platoon. I'd rather not have someone saying "What's going on?"
10 years ago
Hey guys, best of luck to you and your platoon! Let me know when you're ready and we can have a 5v5 scrimmage sometime if you want!
10 years ago • 1 Like
im on PC
10 years ago