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Created: 2014-02-27

19,714 / 164,000

775h 18m
This is the official platoon of our clan

Rules to join :

1.Must be Egyptian and hold the clan tag (removing the clan tag means you are out)
2.MUST be a member of platoon Egyptian Veterans platoon (representing other platoons = out)
3.Never use a hack or glitch as long as you playing for "EGVT"
4.Mature (mind and attitude)
5.Have respect for Enemy and Allies (you get what you give)
6.Dont forget this is a game so friendship comes first !
7.Be always on Teamspeak with the other clan members " ts.egvt.info "
8.And dont forget to have FUN

قوانين الكلان:
الرجاء الالتزام بالقوانين و من لا يلتزم يتم طرده خارج الكلان
1- احترام جميع الاعضاء
2- عدم التطاول علي اي عضو
3- عدم استعمال اي هاك او جليتش في اي لعبه ما دمت تحت اسم كلان EGVT
4- عدم تغيير الكلان تاج و لا سيتم فورا حذف العضو من الكلان


*TS Server Rules:
1 - public commitment to ethics of dialogue and not to utter verbally abusive words.
2 - Do not insult any member of the Clan with or without reason whatever small insults it was.
3 - Commitment to the room of the game you are currently playing and do not switch too often between TS rooms without reason.
4 - Dont get into trouble with other clans in the TS server.

القوانين الخاصه بالتيم سبيك :
1- الالتزام بأداب الحوار العامه
2- عدم التلفظ بألفاظ خارجه
3- ممنوع سب اي عضو من الكلان بسبب او بدون و مهما كانت الشتيمه صغيره
4- الالتزام بالروم الخاصه بالجيم و عدم الجلوس في روم مخالفه للعبه اللي بتلعبها "يعني محدش يتنطط في التيم سبيك"
5- ممنوع اي مشاكل مع اي كلان اخر‬‎

Our Server :

Down for now .. Back online soon

OUR RULES ARE SIMPLE (being in a clan is not an obligation .... its a choice)

Our clan is growing and it can only be done by your dedication

We hope to represent EGYPT and show the world what the Egtptian gamers are made of ...

p.s you can no longer apply to this platoon you have to join Egyptian Veterans #2 since #1 is at 100 players . once you have all these points checked and any leader and we will be happy to accept you between our ranks as a brother and friend :D good luck to all players


If you want to join our CLAN read the rules after wards add me "egy-zombie" and we will talk , due to recent chaos caused by random members being accepted without screening .. we interview people whom are interested in joining us , we are seeking mature Egyptian players 17 + years old ,
10 years ago • 7 likes
2 / 4 comments Read more
i added you and willing to follow rules ! :D
9 years ago
can i join the platoon i am Egyptian 18 years old
9 years ago
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/79d3b583-a105-4026-98b9-17f38ebb9549/ESL-SPECIAL-METRO-LOVERS-2-0-NO-EXPLOSIVES-60HZ/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
6 years ago • 0 Like
howa 3shasn a3ml apply lazem invite ?
7 years ago • 0 Like
i wann to join platoons . & i a egy one so if can any one here koin me it's be cool :)
9 years ago • 0 Like
ana masry
9 years ago • 0 Like
may i join your platoon i'm an Egyptian >?
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hi guys do wana play 5 vs 5 clan war with usw BIA CLAN ?
if u wan just reply or send to me a masseg :D
9 years ago • 0 Like
Add bro
9 years ago • 0 Like
يا جماعة حد يعبرني
كذة واحد فتح يعني المفرود شافو البوست بتاعي و محدش بيسأل فيا
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago
9 years ago
لو سمحتو حد يضيفني في البلاتون
ارجوكم حد يرد عليااااااااا
9 years ago • 0 Like
EGY-elomda ممكنتضيفني معاكو انا طلبت بقالي خمس ايام و محدش رد عليا
ممكن ؟
9 years ago • 0 Like
هو محدش بيرد عليا ليه يا جدعان ؟
9 years ago • 0 Like
MaZaGnGe kiddy lvg frag camper play cod idiot
9 years ago • 0 Like
add me "egy-zombie"
9 years ago • 0 Like
انا عايز ادخل معاكو في الكلان ممكن ؟
انا قرأت كل القوانين
9 years ago • 0 Like
و انا عندي 19 سنة
9 years ago
hi everyone i'm from iraq but currently live in alexandria can i join in please ,i already add egy zombie thanks alot .
9 years ago • 0 Like
I'd like to offer a clan fight against us DOM 8vs8
We can hold the server. If you guys are interested, please contact me
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/1324723154041815143/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
can i join you guys i'm from alexandria
9 years ago • 0 Like
Yes sure make sure you ask one of the admins to arrange a meeting
9 years ago
Out of curiosity, was i kicked due to inactivity or something else ?
9 years ago • 0 Like