[GoDz] DMC-GoDz

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Website: www.dmc-godz.de/ • Created: 2014-10-02

1,089 / 72,000

649h 8m
DMC-G.o.D.z. // The old force, rising again! Join us on our noob-/mid-skill ONLY Server:

! @ #NOOBHAUSEN# ===> NOOBS ONLY! KD<1.05 & MAX. LVL 99! <===

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/fe08a122-7539-4fbc-b050-d6d8e2f4ae38/NOOBHAUSEN-NOOBS-ONLY-KD-1-05-MAX-LVL-99/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


Sad news: The n00bhausen Server will shut down after November 6th 2016. Thank you all for three exciting years and see you soon out there!
8 years ago • 0 Like
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So much for the idea to host a Server for BF1, at least the way EA is offering them now. Cheaters are welcome it seems, you can not even kick/ban as Admin. :-(
8 years ago
jetzt ist es soweit :( war mein lieblingsserver :(
8 years ago
Hey all!
We have received some complaints that some users' chat language has been inadequate recently, including racist comments. We absolutely do not want to have this kind of language on our server. We do not care about a "Sorry!" afterwards, racism is not tolerated whatsoever, so think about it before you type!
Please use the "!admin" function to report these users, even if no admin is currently online. We will take a look into the chat protocol for the time of your reporting and will ban those players without further ado. Here is an example how it works and what you have to type into the chat window. Remember to replace "Playername" by the name of the player you want to report:

!admin Playername racism

You can also start a votekick to immediately kick the player. Do not Forget to type a reason, otherwise noone will Support your vote:

!votekick Playername for racism in chat

Also report a player after successful votekick so we can ban him/her afterwards.

But beware: If you misuse the "!admin" command for fun, YOU will be banned. ;-)

Have fun playing on NOOBHAUSEN!
8 years ago • 3 likes
(GoDz) Messit77 : Fuck Cheater Platoon--Game Hacker: Halt mal Deine asoziale große Kinderfresse.
7 years ago • 0 Like
Is this non-active these days?
7 years ago • 0 Like
Hello Boss,

Why I can't play on your server anymore? they write to my : connection lost to the server and please try later again..

please help can you solve my problem? because I love this server and people are fun

Have a great day
8 years ago • 1 Like
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i think your K/D Rate is to high
8 years ago
Hmmm, "connection lost" does Sound like some other Problem though, if KD is the Problem you should receive a message next to "connection lost" stating this. Right now BL KDR is 0,56, too (reset?). Soory no can help. hope it works again by now.
8 years ago
I Do not really know how this works but i'd like to join GoDz if possible, I Play along with messit now and then and i asked if theres any way i can continue playing on Noobhausen, It's basicly the only server i enjoy and know.
8 years ago • 1 Like
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Messit told me, I Am deeply crying within and would like to know why?
8 years ago
We have not had the time to play ourselves in the past year and the Server comes with roughly 350EUR a year. Apart from that we just do not have the time for the maintenance at the moment. Maybe we will open it up occasionally for Special Events like x-mas or easter, if so we will let you know right here. It is also possible that we will move to BF1, you guess the Name then. ;-)
Thank you for being part of the community and have good fun on the other servers!
8 years ago

why can not I connect more with server?? while if I play another server it works ..
and when I want to connect to the server is out right above the bar: connection to the server has been lost , please try again later.

Please can you help me? because I love this server and I've never been the law on entry

Thanks, belal
8 years ago • 1 Like
Hi everyone ! I play along my first lvl on your server and i would like to know if i can be moderator.
I'm serious, I know that game, and i'm very not a toxic player ( just vs the brain dead AA )
Have fun and fight for the Glory !
8 years ago • 0 Like
Thank you for your offer. Yet, the Server will shut down soon. :-/
8 years ago
Nabend zusammen,

wurde eben von eurem Server gebannt = KDR
Wie hoch das die KDR auf eurem Server sein?
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hallo GhostSolider 1.05
8 years ago
Server KDR zu Beginn 6 (bis zu 10 Kills), das baut sich dann stufenweise je mehr Kills ab, bis nach 40 Kills dann KDR 2 zum Kick führt.
8 years ago
Hey guys! I really enjoy your server as it allows me to have fun without getting farmed. However, I would like to ask when BF1 comes out, will you guys host a server? Thanks in advance :)
8 years ago • 0 Like
Thank you for your message! Hosting a BF1 Server is not planned, but ususally someone hosts an autoscriptes n00bserver. Greetings!
8 years ago
Hi ! can i join us ? I search to be a member of ur platoon we can send me a request for more info :) !
Enjoy ur game !
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi guys! I was banned on NOOBHAUSEN because of camping, sorry, I will not do this anymore!) This is my favorite server, I'm playing only here. Unban me please.
8 years ago • 0 Like
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Thank you guys, you are the best)) The last chance you mean a kick for high KDR too? It happend two times when I was lucky with my shotgun, not for the campering.
8 years ago
Autoadmin kicks if Balltelog or Server KDR is too high. Is 60 min ban only, though.
8 years ago
Hello. I just wanna say that Messit77 is warning people on your "noobserver" aKa
#NOOBHAUSEN# ===> NOOBS ONLY! KD<1.05 & MAX. LVL 99! <===
with kick because they use RPG on infantry.

First of all! No rules say its not allowed.
Secound! Its a noobserver, people are here to learn how to play the game, how to fucking aim with a RPG. Now you are telling them they cant learn?
Third! Just because he got rekt by a RPG. He is telling people they cant use it. How old is this guy? 5?

Just saying that this admin is abusing his rank.
8 years ago • 0 Like
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Ganz normaler Vorgang....ich habe damals mit bekommen, dass GoDz Admins eine solche Warnung gegenüber Spielern ausgesprochen haben. Die Verwarnung war auch nicht gegen Ihn gerichtet...er war einfach nur auf Stunk aus.
8 years ago
Hello HypeCpt. and thank you for your message,
Hey Messit,

RPG on Inf (at least when used as primary weapon and not because it is your last option) is turbo-annoying, but is allowed on our Server. Give Messit some time to get the hang on our Server, he has just started as Admin.

The Problem about the Admins being >lvl 100 is that we only place Admins which we know and that is usually ppl. we have been playing with for some time. When we started the Server we were Rank 20 or so, but now most of us are >100 after two years of playing. Joining the losing Team is not as easy as it might seem, because the Server does not allow Team switching when it is full - not even for Admins. Therefore, the Admin would have to kick someone from the Server to switch Teams. Also, ususally one Player, even if >100 does not make the difference. His Battlelog-KD is not uber either with 1.08 being just slightly higher than what the Server allows for and 1.26 Server KD being totally in range. Imbalance is not a Problem of single Players, but of a Team as a whole. But that is a different Story.

And now you both go and have fun on Noobhausen! :-)
8 years ago
Hi DMC G.O.D.Z.!
Leider nahen meine letzten Spiele auf Noobhausen, fürchte ich... :/ Ich bin zwischenzeitlich Level 97 bei einer K/D von 0.86. Deshalb wollte ich nochmal fragen, ob es nicht irgendeine Möglichkeit gibt, auf dem fantastischsten BF4 Server weiterspielen zu können. Ich bin ja schon fast am Überlegen, meinen Account zu resetten, nur um weiter bei euch spielen zu können.

Ich habe ja schonmal vor einigen Monaten gefragt, aber hier noch einmal: Gern würde ich mich auch in irgendeiner Form engagieren, sei es durch ein paar Euro für die monatlichen Gebühren (ohne Mitspracherecht für mich, versteht sich), als Hilfsadmin, der ein bisschen nach dem Rechten sieht (ich bin erwachsen, eigentlich ein netter und umgänglicher Typ, und es wäre nicht mein erster Adminjob), oder einfach als freundlicher Mitspieler auf Noobhausen, der Wert auf Teamplay legt und auch nicht wirklich zu den allzu guten Spielern gehört :)

Falls das nicht möglich ist, möchte ich mich für die gute Zeit bei euch bedanken! Noobhausen ist der beste Server da draußen und nicht umsonst 24/7 inklusive Warteschlange besetzt. Vielen Dank für den Service an die Community, den ihr hier leistet! Wirklich eine klasse Sache!

Über eine Antwort eurerseits würde ich mich sehr freuen :) Ansonsten, macht's gut, stay frosty, und vielleicht sieht man sich ja in einem anderen virtuellen Leben mal wieder!

GewaltSam, Noobhausen-Fan
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi all!
Today we added new maps to the rotation which are completely free of charge for everyone owning BF4:
- Operation Locker (included in BF4)
- Zavod: Graveyard Shift (Night Operations free DLC)
- Operation Outbreak (Community Operations free DLC)
- Dragon Valley 2015 (Legacy Operations free DLC)
Get the expansions through your Origin account now for even more fun on your favourite Server! Fight hard, fight fair!
8 years ago • 2 likes
i want to join your platoon please please accept my request
8 years ago • 0 Like
Col_Sandfurz need your approval plzz. I have been playing only on this server for last several months and I just loved this server.
I am currently at level 99 and hence I request you to kindly add me to your clan.
8 years ago • 1 Like

I'm a casual player that is approaching lvl 100 but still have <1 K/D . I spend most of my time playing on this server and it's by far my favorite. I spoke with Messit in game and he told to contact Col_Sanfurz to join the Platoon. If that's possible, that would be great!

Ich spreche ein wenig Deutsch aber ich lieber Englisch sprechen.

8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi Leute,
Mal ne Frage, seit wann können denn lvl 100+ Leuet und welche mit einer 1,8+ K/D joinen?
Finde das schade, einige regen sich da auch drüber auf. Und genau das fand ich immer so gut das genau solche Leute nicht joinen konnten...

9 years ago • 0 Like
Die Serverscripte waren anscheinend für kurze Zeit down, die genau solche Sachen verhindern sollen, der Fehler wurde behoben - vielen Dank für die Info!
9 years ago

ich wollte einfach nur einen Gruß da lassen und loswerden wie gut mir euer Server gefällt. Spiele mittlerweile eigentlich ausschließlich bei euch, muss mich aber wohl leider nach was neuem umsehen wenn meine K/D noch weiter steigt ;)

Danke für viele vergnügliche Runden sagt
9 years ago • 1 Like