Website: gamewithpure.org •
Created: 2014-06-28
11,527,882 / 3,306,000
4949h 40m
We encourage all members to join ts3.gamewithpure.org while playing on our servers! See the sticky post below for info on how the teamspeak sync script works.
Pure Battlefield is an open gaming community run by the players, for the players! We operate several servers -- you find them here: http://gamewithpure.org/game-with-pure/#battlefield [gamewithpure.org]
We operate our platoon as a fan page and a place to find people to play with -- anybody who requests to join is accepted. Membership does not imply any formal affiliation with PURE.
Visit our website for more info: http://gamewithpure.org [gamewithpure.org]
Pure Battlefield is an open gaming community run by the players, for the players! We operate several servers -- you find them here: http://gamewithpure.org/game-with-pure/#battlefield [gamewithpure.org]
We operate our platoon as a fan page and a place to find people to play with -- anybody who requests to join is accepted. Membership does not imply any formal affiliation with PURE.
Visit our website for more info: http://gamewithpure.org [gamewithpure.org]
There is some confusion about how the teamspeak sync works these days, we have a lot of new members as well as some changes to the script.
To be synced up into you squad or team channel like usual you now have to move from the PURE Main Lobby channel (the one you connect to by default) to the channel called Battlefield 4 Lobby further down below the Arma channels.
Once you are in that channel you should be moved to the squad or team channel under the server you are currently playing on. If you aren't moved automatically, try typing !tssync or !tslobby in the ingame chat. !tssync moves you into the squad channel if there are other players in your squad who are already on teamspeak and !tslobby moves you into a channel where you can talk to players who are on the enemy team (if they too type !tslobby).
Another useful command if you aren't using dual screens is !tssquads, this command returns a list of which squads on your team have players in them who are also on teamspeak.
To be synced up into you squad or team channel like usual you now have to move from the PURE Main Lobby channel (the one you connect to by default) to the channel called Battlefield 4 Lobby further down below the Arma channels.
Once you are in that channel you should be moved to the squad or team channel under the server you are currently playing on. If you aren't moved automatically, try typing !tssync or !tslobby in the ingame chat. !tssync moves you into the squad channel if there are other players in your squad who are already on teamspeak and !tslobby moves you into a channel where you can talk to players who are on the enemy team (if they too type !tslobby).
Another useful command if you aren't using dual screens is !tssquads, this command returns a list of which squads on your team have players in them who are also on teamspeak.
9 years ago • 2
lllSTEVEElll and
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2 / 7 comments
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r3lo4d3r ; Idioten Platoon
pure faggot hacks
Hi people, love your server so i made a donation yesterday. How long do I have to wait for my vip status to become active? Thx
9 years ago • 3
Hello there! Very glad to hear that you enjoy our servers! :)
Sorry, I have just been notified about your message now - have you received your vip status by now?
Sorry, I have just been notified about your message now - have you received your vip status by now?
9 years ago
Guys!! Hey guys, guys?! Don't miss this, it's the PURE 3:rd birthday celebration, we're celebrating on 25:th of July. For details, see this; https://youtu.be/OTKXxvLx0pA [youtu.be]
And read this; https://www.reddit.com/r/Pure/comments/3dg0c3/hey_everybody_mark_your_calendars/ [reddit.com]
And read this; https://www.reddit.com/r/Pure/comments/3dg0c3/hey_everybody_mark_your_calendars/ [reddit.com]
9 years ago • 2
YoshiiGER and
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If you are a member in three platoons we can't accept your application to join our platoon since Battlelog only allows players to be members of 3 platoons at the same time.
9 years ago • 1
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http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/601627609975624384/936881257/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
BFspiderman caught aimbotting, suggest removal
BFspiderman caught aimbotting, suggest removal
9 years ago • 3
2 / 3 comments
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Just by looking at his stats I'd wager he is in fact using an aimbot but next time you see a hacker on the server please use the !pageadmin command in ingame chat to alert an admin so we can catch them in the act and get thier PB guid and EA guid through procon.
9 years ago
He has been removed from the platoon and put on our watch list, next time he comes onto one of our servers all admins will be alerted and hopefully we'll catch him in the act.
9 years ago
niceglitch (player and member of this team ) was report for "was on the roof" (glitch ?) at http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/battlereport/show/1/602458627687875648/310970016/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
by 3 other players
Niceglitch alias antongre, alias Wercktu , alias incna, alias w1zzzkid, alias Firryclut alias BFspiderman, alias Reoslrpt (nice cheater profil is'nt it ?
by 3 other players
Niceglitch alias antongre, alias Wercktu , alias incna, alias w1zzzkid, alias Firryclut alias BFspiderman, alias Reoslrpt (nice cheater profil is'nt it ?
9 years ago • 2
L4NGOS and
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Thank you for letting us know, he will be removed from our platoon. He is clearly hacking and glitching and has no place in PURE what so ever. Thanks again.
9 years ago
Whomever is in charge might need to speak with 305beyond. He was quite inappropriate tonight with his haccusations against my platoon mates and myself tonight.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your time.
9 years ago • 1
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Hi guys. I speak English badly. But I want to learn. Can I join your squad?
9 years ago • 1
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Of course you can, if you want you can join us on teamspeak too. There's not always someone on teamspeak but visit now and then, the address is teamspeak.purebattlefield.org.
9 years ago
Luck of the Draw Event starting shortly on the PURE #5 Events server. Meet up on TeamSpeak. ts3.gamewithpure.org
9 years ago • 0
Remember that you can only be a member of three platoon at any time, if you are not accepted into PURE's platoon it is because you are already a member of three platoon and can't join PURE without leaving another platoon.
10 years ago • 1
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Hey everyone. We are currently unable to accept platoon applications due to a battlelog error. Dice has already been informed and we are hoping for a fix within the next days: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064788560237061/2/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0
It will be fixed next week and we will accept all open applications once it's working again: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/comments/2ttk95/cant_accept_players_in_platoon_since_battlelog/ [reddit.com]
10 years ago
Still not working for me. 2 platoon slots are free, Apply button says, you have already aplied.
9 years ago
There is a sale on Origin and BF4 Premium today! If you haven't already picked up Premium now would be a good time to do so!
10 years ago • 0
DICE Friend Dog Tag
The final and most asked for Dog Tag is of course the DICE Friend Dog Tag. Acquiring this one will not be a standard affair, and is based on the following criteria:
“A DICE Friend is a nominated Battlefield 4 player who has helped DICE and Battlefield 4 through things like community building, events, tournaments, bug tracking help, or other positive influences”.
A small DICE group/committee will consider nominations on a regular basis and will publish the results in the Ceremonial Announcements Forum. Every person awarded a DICE Friend Dog Tag will be called out as to why they have been selected in this forum.
To nominate someone or to ask questions about this, please post in the Ceremonial Nominations Forum (yes, you may nominate yourself, but it looks better if someone else does it!) http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065237002226625/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
I nominated PURE's greatest asset, James 'Adama42' Hogan for this award.
The final and most asked for Dog Tag is of course the DICE Friend Dog Tag. Acquiring this one will not be a standard affair, and is based on the following criteria:
“A DICE Friend is a nominated Battlefield 4 player who has helped DICE and Battlefield 4 through things like community building, events, tournaments, bug tracking help, or other positive influences”.
A small DICE group/committee will consider nominations on a regular basis and will publish the results in the Ceremonial Announcements Forum. Every person awarded a DICE Friend Dog Tag will be called out as to why they have been selected in this forum.
To nominate someone or to ask questions about this, please post in the Ceremonial Nominations Forum (yes, you may nominate yourself, but it looks better if someone else does it!) http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065237002226625/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
I nominated PURE's greatest asset, James 'Adama42' Hogan for this award.
10 years ago • 1
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The EU Mixed mode server is online and can be found here http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/81fcf156-d0ff-48bc-a5b9-28a2d8a6b91d/PURE-5-Mixed-Mode-Teamwork-Fair-Admins/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Add it to your favorites and enjoy some Obliteration, Domination, CTF and Rush with us in the PURE spirit!
Add it to your favorites and enjoy some Obliteration, Domination, CTF and Rush with us in the PURE spirit!
10 years ago • 1
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Yes, there is plenty of Chainlink in the new and improved map rotation. The list is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yeWYFEHuRzCb57aGSW6qs2y6meL59NPdqrY9mJbeKCs/edit#gid=300565125 [docs.google.com]
10 years ago
We need your feedback! Please visit the subreddit and vote for your favorite maps to put into the rotation. http://www.reddit.com/r/purebattlefield/comments/2kplk6/fall_2014_bf4_map_rotation_polls/ [reddit.com]
A Mixed Mode server is coming to Europe very very soon so be sure to take both polls. If you don't vote, you won't be allowed to complain later. ;-)
A Mixed Mode server is coming to Europe very very soon so be sure to take both polls. If you don't vote, you won't be allowed to complain later. ;-)
10 years ago • 0
Why PURE#2 now only domination? Earlier it was my favorite server (because they were all the maps, conquest for 64p, active admins, and without crappy votemap). Bring back conquest large with all maps, please :c
10 years ago • 0
Our servers cycle through Dom, CQS, and CQL based on population so we do not end up with 10 people playing CQL. Once there are more than ~36 players on the server it goes to CQL.
10 years ago
It depends on how early in the morning you start playin Sanchous, when the server has less than 25 players at the end of a round the next map will be Domination. Then it is conquest small and finally conquest large when the player number is high enough. We don't run votemap, ever.
10 years ago
Your ban is 3 days, you have a 45 day cool down period and any violations within those 45 days might lead to a permban, depending on what rule you broke.
10 years ago
We've moved on from the Dragons Teeth 24/7 rotation and into interim rotation with all DLC and Vanilla maps. A vote on the new rotation will be held at www.reddit.com/r/purebattlefield within three weeks. I'll make a post here when the map survey is up!
Until then, keep the server full! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfRlrV8awo0#t=53 [youtube.com]
Until then, keep the server full! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfRlrV8awo0#t=53 [youtube.com]
10 years ago • 0