[JTF2] Joint Task Force 2

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37h 37m
Facta Non Verba (Deeds, Not Words)


A Shout out to a Canadian Tactical Police Unit this week... TextBook Aircraft Firefighting Tactics and Techniques were used and exercised by Toronto's Emergency Task Force (ETF) on the boarding of Air Flight 772 in Toronto on July 25th after 8 a.m. Unlike most SWAT teams, the ETF is not a pure paramilitary unit... The ETF mission profile includes terrorism threats... A small number of the the Toronto Police Service Unit is home to some Ex Canadian Special Operations Regiment Members (CSOR) their have been hints that possibly some Ex Joint Task Force - 2 (JTF-2) members have been part of this team all tho I have never been able to Prove this theory... JTF-2 is Canada's #1 Special Operations Anti-Terrorist Unit and very very secretive... If Canada was to go in on Operation Neptune Sphere (The Killing of Osama Bin Ladin) JTF-2 is who they would send in, Canada's equivalent of Seal Team Six both of are a Tier 1 Special Operations Unit... Anyway as you can tell this stuff gives me a Rock Solid Hard-On... When JTF-2 is not Combating Terrorism they are known to be the # 1 go to protection detail for Prime Minister Stephen Harper in High Security and High Threat Scenarios... Either way some very Very VERY Highly Trained and Experienced people you don't wanna fuck around with... The T.V. Show FlashPoint is a ended T.V. Show biased off of Toronto's Emergency Task Force, great show... This Flight was considered such a High Threat that Two U.S. F-16 Fighter Jets entered Canadian AirSpace in order to Escort Flight 772 Back to its Departure Location in Toronto's Pearson International Airport... All I can say at this point in time is Great Job ETF in keeping everyone on this flight safe and sound on the ground... TextBook Tactic's guys... TextBook!!! Mission accomplished...
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 0 Like
hello , i'm french and my english is bad but i can join you're team but my english is bad sorry ;)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Join us buddy!!! everyone Welcome... =)
10 years ago
lets get the teamwork on
10 years ago • 0 Like
All Battlefield 4 members welcome form all platforms welcome... Send message to join
10 years ago • 1 Like