Website: www.ncis.com •
Created: 2016-08-17
12,125 / 26,000
310h 41m
We are NCIS. We like to play hard, but fair!
Only Rule: No RedZone glitches
Join us on the field!
Search for NCIS in Battlelog
*** VIP membership on our servers ***
Price for VIP SLOT + WHITELIST is 2.00 Euros a month for 8 servers.
On receipt of payment the player will be added to the VIP SLOT and WHITELIST on our servers.
Payment methods:
Paypal: ncisbf4@gmail.com
If you have any questions, add me to your friends on Battlelog: gillibong
BF1 Servers is coming...
Only Rule: No RedZone glitches
Join us on the field!
Search for NCIS in Battlelog
*** VIP membership on our servers ***
Price for VIP SLOT + WHITELIST is 2.00 Euros a month for 8 servers.
On receipt of payment the player will be added to the VIP SLOT and WHITELIST on our servers.
Payment methods:
Paypal: ncisbf4@gmail.com
If you have any questions, add me to your friends on Battlelog: gillibong
BF1 Servers is coming...
Hello, the team "Ferma" invites you to play on the server only obliteration.
On the server there are no limitations, adequate administration. In General all are happy to see. WELCOME:)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/229b85da-b3e8-41c0-bd78-fab0889c8e27/1-F-FERMA-OBLITERATION-24-7-powered-by-XL-GAMES-RU/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
On the server there are no limitations, adequate administration. In General all are happy to see. WELCOME:)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/229b85da-b3e8-41c0-bd78-fab0889c8e27/1-F-FERMA-OBLITERATION-24-7-powered-by-XL-GAMES-RU/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
6 years ago • 0
FURY GAMING приглашает вас на сервер OPERATION LOCKER
Сервер с адекватными администраторами и с простыми правилами.
Наш игровой сервер:
WE PLAY ONLY OPERATION_LOCKER 3200 TICKETS: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/90572d41-20f0-4660-9abe-fe9b307440c4/FURY-PLAY-ONLY-OPERATION-LOCKER-24-7/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]]
С уважением FURY GAMING.
Голосовой Discord сервер для общения: https://discord.gg/eDNSXHR [discord.gg]
Если вы активный игрок и предпочитаете карту OPERATION LOCKER тогда мы вас ждём!
С уважением FURY GAMING.
7 years ago • 0
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/pl/servers/show/pc/f1f63f4c-c461-445e-949d-d78eb139fe37/RnG-Moonshiners-1-ALL-WEAPONS-ALLOWED/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
7 years ago • 0
hi ,
can u unban me please , here is my first account : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/user/Kins0o/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
and this is my channel on youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC748zVHJQ09JsvC1rEed5Kg [youtube.com]
can u unban me please , here is my first account : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/user/Kins0o/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
and this is my channel on youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC748zVHJQ09JsvC1rEed5Kg [youtube.com]
7 years ago • 0
Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: Hacking/Cheating (No777777)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/839948721249597120/852136319/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Could you please unban. This is only funny that i got this ban when there are clearly many others as good as me playing on your server. This ban came without any reasons or talk from the admins. I got maybe one hackusation from one random noob in this round. But anyways im definitely not hacking so im asking for unban. If you have any questions or something to say to this I am ready to talk with you.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/839948721249597120/852136319/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Could you please unban. This is only funny that i got this ban when there are clearly many others as good as me playing on your server. This ban came without any reasons or talk from the admins. I got maybe one hackusation from one random noob in this round. But anyways im definitely not hacking so im asking for unban. If you have any questions or something to say to this I am ready to talk with you.
8 years ago • 0
2 / 7 comments
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guys seriously he is not cheating, u all know with heli thats possible u will see him playing on infantery u will notice u are wrong. come on be fair unban him
7 years ago
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no i dont know why. i killed him a few times in the round and had a high K/D. No redzone.
8 years ago
Hey No777777,i ve been kicked from the server,your server name is http://prntscr.com/egpedp [prntscr.com] , but you kick for some glitch,lol,maybe you need to change your server name? For example "NCIS Noobs Welcome No Glitch" Or you can told me,that im dont use that glitch again. T_T
8 years ago • 0
read at the platoon - no glich - and i give full screen worning and you glich....so i kick you.
8 years ago
I cant believe it!
Got banned the 3rd Time cause some Idiot on the Server Hackusated me!
Admins!... YOU really have no Gamesence and desperatly need better Admins who can see if somebodys Hacking or not.
I want an Unban. Pls.
Got banned the 3rd Time cause some Idiot on the Server Hackusated me!
Admins!... YOU really have no Gamesence and desperatly need better Admins who can see if somebodys Hacking or not.
I want an Unban. Pls.
8 years ago • 2
Mister_Sidr and
like this
i am not cheater :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2jlVXx-co0&t=639s [youtube.com]
8 years ago • 0
admin why u give me band from server , iam not cheating u can check my channel on yt : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LguJVCqePCo&t=50s [youtube.com]
8 years ago • 0
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I got banned for no reason on your server, I didn't do anything remotely offensive or wrong. And I just got permanently banned for "Admin Abuse" even though I'm not an admin.
Can somebody help?
I got banned for no reason on your server, I didn't do anything remotely offensive or wrong. And I just got permanently banned for "Admin Abuse" even though I'm not an admin.
Can somebody help?
8 years ago • 0
Could someone join your teamspeak? i want to talk about why i got banned for cheating when im clearly NOT :D
8 years ago • 0
as expected ... typical kids owning a server cant even join their TS to tell me their nonexistent argumets of why they banned me 8)
8 years ago
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אני לא קובע כלום, שיש לך 71 הריגות ברציפות, שאפילו בסרטים שאתה מעלה אנשים קוראים לך ציטר, שבכל מקום שאני נתקל בשם שלך אני שומע ציטר, שאדמינים מדווחים עליך בלי סוף. בקיצור אם כולם צועקים זאב כנראה שיש זאב. אתה ציטר - או שהיית ציטר ואני לא מקבל את זה. בזה אני מסיים את הדיון.
8 years ago
Remove the block from the server please: All records - YouTube - ewTheHero
8 years ago • 0
you have a fking rassist in your team. or isn't that a mistake? bann him from your clan!
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/DoTeR-sTaRxX/stats/1811580851/pc/# [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/DoTeR-sTaRxX/stats/1811580851/pc/# [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0