[WSI] Wig Splitters Inc

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View all Members (15)

Created: 2014-02-27

19,637 / 21,000

174h 15m
WSI Chain of Command

Original Founder and Commander -

1st Lieutenant -

1st Sgt.

Sqaud Leaders


2. Felix



Design and Marketing
1. Royalsniper

Japanese Allies/ Squad

1. keisukegunma
2. yosiken55

2012 BF Clan War Winners/ A Battalion Against What Division:

Operation Nothing is Over!
Operation Blackhawk Down!
Operation: The A-Team

http://www.bfclanwars.com [bfclanwars.com]

We were established during Battlefield 3 to play, dominate, win and have fun as a team. We had some competitive scrimmaging with some top tier platoons and as you can see above we competed in some passive gameplay and won.

One of WSI goals is to dominate on the Battlefield with top tier gameplay, communication and having fun while we are winning or losing. We have learned a lot and grown as friends for those of us who use to play BF3 together.

The ultimate goal of WSI on BF4 is to Get Back in the Fight and Stay in the Fight.


Hey i seen your post on my thread i am definitely interested in getting into a platoon i do have some questions so if somebody could please message me on PSN GENERALS17 or please kik messenge me GENERALS17 i would be grateful thank you US Army Strong HOOAH
10 years ago • 0 Like
sorry, I'm just now seeing your message... I'm ex army national guard 4 years, ordinance is ex army. my brother is ex navy... we have a few ex military and of course most of our tactics is military like... Im looking for a few more people to get a solid crew going and possibly scrimmage some teams here soon.

10 years ago
Well man i am always on battlefield 4 me and another guy that lives close to me i am actually looking for a sturdy platoon to join in on me and my friend we are looking for a platoon that is on frequently so we can get that platoon points but we play hardcore idk wat you guys plays but please feel free to KIK Messenge me GENERALS17 thats the easiest way to get ahold of me US Army Strong HOOAH
10 years ago
guys we have a new member Xioty420...

add him
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey man saw this on google im a 360 player coming over to ps4 and no one has mics or if they do they dont have a clue how to use it. add me iDwain
10 years ago • 0 Like
I was just tripping on our k/d, it was like .85... I missed the fun... Thanks for the guys thats pulling our k/d back positive.... Now lets keep it that way...
11 years ago • 1 Like
Just read a topic about this platoon on battlelog forums.
Applied, cheers dudes.
11 years ago • 0 Like
Thanks man... We did some scrimmaging in the past and the majority of us liked it and would like to continue.... all of our old friends do not have a ps4 so we trying to get a few more good team players together.... Thanks for joining.... i will add you on ps4 in a bit so we can get to winning some games.....
11 years ago
everybody add steviesmile
11 years ago
guys,,, add Zebriodjr92 on ps4 and battle log...
He is a new member...
Thanks for joining....
11 years ago • 0 Like
all leaders are responsible for recruiting. our goal is to get at least 16 players or more so we can scrimmage on Rush. Lets get it done.
11 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 8 comments Read more
i just so happen to be on when you commented,,, yeah its smooth
11 years ago
the most important thing is that his back
11 years ago
hey guys Royalsniper is going to start on some designs for the platoon emblem, if there is something you have in mind please comment below.
11 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
seen you want some Bulgarian color in the emblem,,, no prob I will wait to see if there are more suggestions to come up with a new one maybe .....
im not creative at all, I imported that emblem from another site..... well somebody else did it....
you got any people that want to join,,, reply on the recruitment forum so it will put the thread at the top of the forum
11 years ago
It will be cool if we can make it un international platoon. but i dont know if we will manage. i personaly think that every country in the clan must have a color. but that is simply too many colors. dont mind me, i hope ill have time to play in the night because we have the time diference. and on top of that we will have a baby in the end of april and i hope ill have ANY time....
11 years ago
we got stats,,,,
11 years ago • 0 Like