[BzX] BzX Clan
Website: www.bzxclan.it •
Created: 2014-02-27
87,436 / 90,000
609h 27m
Also called BzYooo by chinese army!
hi man ... questo è il nostro nuovo server siete i benvenuti http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/it/servers/show/pc/553629f4-d048-420b-8280-9400ffbfcf3e/BADASS-ITA-Clan-Rules-Tournament-RANKING-BADASS/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
ciao vi va di fare una cw 5 vs 5 dominio???se vi va aggiungetemi tra gli amici sul battlelog che organizziamo :)
9 years ago • 1
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Hello everyone!
Tired of the mindless teammates? Weak opponents? Tired of not adequate Admin? Want to raise your skill? There is a great option! Army of Sand opens his training camp in the mode of superiority. Here are all the popular card, no restrictions on weapons and classes.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/e2e00df6-013a-46db-a5ad-91e9b68513c1/Army-of-Sand-Hardcore-Domination/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Tired of the mindless teammates? Weak opponents? Tired of not adequate Admin? Want to raise your skill? There is a great option! Army of Sand opens his training camp in the mode of superiority. Here are all the popular card, no restrictions on weapons and classes.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/e2e00df6-013a-46db-a5ad-91e9b68513c1/Army-of-Sand-Hardcore-Domination/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
Hello everyone!
Tired of the mindless teammates? Weak opponents? Tired of not adequate Admin? Want to raise your skill? There is a great option! Army of Sand opens his training camp in the mode of superiority. Here are all the popular card, no restrictions on weapons and classes.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/e2e00df6-013a-46db-a5ad-91e9b68513c1/Army-of-Sand-Hardcore-Domination/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Tired of the mindless teammates? Weak opponents? Tired of not adequate Admin? Want to raise your skill? There is a great option! Army of Sand opens his training camp in the mode of superiority. Here are all the popular card, no restrictions on weapons and classes.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/e2e00df6-013a-46db-a5ad-91e9b68513c1/Army-of-Sand-Hardcore-Domination/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
Katana la tua lista amici è piena, non posso accettare la tua richiesta.
9 years ago • 0
hey guys,
im from the ptfo clan and we would like it (if you guys want ) to organize a clan war between BZX and PTFO just for the fun.
if you guys are interested send me a friendship request and we can maybe set something up
im from the ptfo clan and we would like it (if you guys want ) to organize a clan war between BZX and PTFO just for the fun.
if you guys are interested send me a friendship request and we can maybe set something up
10 years ago • 0
Thx for your offer ;)
You want to play Hardcore or Normal? Because we play only HC ^^'
You want to play Hardcore or Normal? Because we play only HC ^^'
10 years ago
its a shame that u are having cheaters in u platoon . If u cant see that he is cheating then u all are stupid fucks. Its sad that players like redknocte destroys the fun of playing online . He has been reported bye 4 platoons. And by his rank ill bet its his 2 or 3 account, couth cheating before .
10 years ago • 2
KatanaPuffin and
like this
like this
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/ee5b056e-1e45-4e28-a7d7-96e61588278b/NO-RULES-SQDM-RUSH-MixMode-MixMap-Recon-Raiders-by-4netplayers/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] READY FOR A CLANFIGHT VISIT US
10 years ago • 0