[CTU] CTU clan

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Website: www.ctuclan.org • Created: 2014-02-27

30,227 / 113,000

723h 28m
The CTU clan was founded on March 1, 2008 with the idea that friends and family could come together in one place and have fun in a family atmosphere to play and interact in. We strive to keep it a place where we can all have fun. A place where our kids can play and other families feel comfortable allowing their kids to play. Because they know that we will do our best to keep our servers, teamspeak and website clean.

We feel character and player interaction is more important than your score on the server. We do not recruit people based on skill level.


Just like calling out baddies when I see them. You're shit and your stats prove it. I don't blame you whoring SMOKE + FLIR... if I was as bad as you I'd consider it LMFAO. Fucking scrubs.
9 years ago • 0 Like
uhm w00t??
9 years ago
MarineDog03: Comme ça tu n'aimes pas les français? C'est normal, parce que bientôt ils vont (avec les Russes) vous couper les schnolles. La fin des anglo-américano-sionistes est proche et vous aurez enfin l'occasion d'apprendre un langage plus évolué que votre créole (english = 65% old french + 35% danish). :P Aussi tu fais honte à ton clan d'aller insulter les gens avec ton tag.
10 years ago • 0 Like
translation: MarineDog03: This way you do not like the French? This is normal, because soon they will (with the Russians) to cut your schnolles. The end of the Anglo-American-Zionist is near and you will finally have the opportunity to learn more advanced than your Creole (English = 65% + 35% old french danish) language. : P So you're a disgrace to your clan to go insulting people with your tag.
10 years ago
Turtle in the house :D
10 years ago • 0 Like
I R G00D
11 years ago • 1 Like
well then let's give this a go.
11 years ago • 0 Like
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Thanks for the invite
11 years ago
welcome jd
11 years ago