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Website: www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ape • Created: 2020-10-15

20,397 / 21,000

97h 43m

Welcome to The Jungle, fucking Apes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi2cJ8kNeQ4 [youtube.com]


cheater WhereIsMyHitreg
3 years ago
Dickless faggots fuckface hacks.
3 years ago
Dickless faggots fuckface hacks.
3 years ago • 0 Like
Hey all. just wanted to apologize for getting ElMencho so upset the other night. I tea bagged once for fun but I had been drinking and I didnt mean to kill Rued like 5 times in a row.. it just happened in passing. I didnt mean anything by it. I see you guys around often respect your skill in BF. Im not looking to get a bad reputation in the BF community. I hope we can let it rest. I didnt think hed get so irrate or hateful. Anyways. Good luck and have fun.
3 years ago • 0 Like
And they lived in harmony.

But that time came to a close, when the era of Mecha Hitler began. Mecha Hitler, after fleeing from Germanty to Argentina, home of the meth monkeys, brought them to unity to fight the crack apes of Mexico.
The meth monkeys fought and died in Mexico by the hundreds, overwhelming the Crack Apes with sheer numbers.

But that time came to a close, when the era of Steampunk Immortal Abraham Lincoln began. SIAL was sent by the organization "Tom's Entities" in order to stop the advance of the meth monkeys and save the Mexican cocaine industry.
A 40 year war began, with most battles ending in stalemate. Thousands upon thousands of meth monkeys and crack apes died in the war, by chlorine gas, machinegun fire, or dildo launchers.

But that time came to a close, when the era of The Mega Crack Ape Began. Tom's Entities released their strongest, and when he landed in Mexico to fight the meth monkeys, he dropped from the V22 osprey, and stood at full height.
"I AM THE GOD CRACK APE" he declared, before drawing his axe out of thin air, the molecules condensing into a singular structure.
Its blade was blacker than george floyd's anus, and enscribed on the handle, was the phrase "Nigger Beater"
With a single swing of the Nigger Beater, he smited hundreds of meth monkeys, their heads falling to the floor as their corpses disolved into crack cocaine. With each kill, he grew in power, and soon, he harnessed the power of the meth monkeys to summon and throw fifty pound meth crystals.
His iron will remained steadfast as he massacred the hordes of meth monkeys, untill they finally surrendered under his rule.

From that day foward, he held the power of god, eventually smiting Allah himselef to take the throne over the realm of earth, ruling in heaven for all eternity.```
4 years ago • 2 likes
I am
4 years ago • 0 Like
I see.... welcome to the jungle you ape
4 years ago