[GHz] Grey Hunterz

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Created: 2014-03-03

9,076,634 / 3,306,000

3989h 24m
Grey Hunter packs form the greater mass of Space Wolves Warriors. Grey Hunters are strong and resolute fighters,tempered by battle but as hungry for honour as any proud warrior


Time to dust off your weapons. |Ender| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c97C-wk-1Ls [youtube.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
this is dumb in october november lol
9 years ago
Time to dust off your weapons. |Ender| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c97C-wk-1Ls [youtube.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Are you guys interested in a Schrimage . We only play Hardcore and 16 v 16 or up. If your Clan is interested send me a PSN Friend Request. So we can talk more details
9 years ago • 0 Like
yeah sorry mate i don't look at my platoon wall much man the best way to get in contact with me is the psn it would be hard for me to get that many players together its possible but hard we are all so training for a AUS/NZ 5V5 Hardcore tournament which starts on the 27th of june so we are not taking on many big matches atm but we can talk about a match to happen at some point but my first question is where is your platoon based because we are just a AUS/NZ platoon atm we may change that some time in the near future hit me up on the PSN if you want to know more
9 years ago
I have applied, I'm possibly the worst player but I thin, I'm funny so that's a plus
9 years ago • 1 Like