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Created: 2014-03-17

13,013 / 29,000

173h 40m
Friend-Only Platoon. Teamplay, Sportsmanship, and Communication are paramount. No Modders or Hackers at all. PTFO or GTFO. We play to win and have fun while were at it.
Note: All members must rep the TSC tag followed by a number (0-9) or letter (A-Z) of their choice to show individuality. Do not choose characters already taken by other members.

Recruit guidelines (Subject To Change):

1. Recruits must possess Good to Amazing BF4 skills and be willing to play at least 2-3 times a week to build team cohesion and squad skills plus we're some fun muh-fuckas to boot.
We don't expect you to go positive every game or play every night or both, but if you are clearly struggling to understand the basics of BF4 and need significant improvement then you are not ready to join TSC.
Non-recruits are welcome to play with us regular as this may earn you the recommendation of other member to be added.

2. All members must rep the TSC clan tag or be subject to dismissal. It is unfair to all members if certain members are excluded from repping the Clan.
If you're in TSC, then rep it proudly or feel free to join the platoon which you prefer to rep play with us as an affiliate.

3. It is recommended that you check battlelog regularly to keep up date with any Clan or DICE developments. It can also be a very useful tool to help you know with areas you need to improve in.

4. Members should focus on maintaining and improving good teamplay and communication skills. Refusal to work as a squad or communicate in a positive capacity could result in dismissal. If for some reason you have no mic please have audio running thru your television so you can hear your teammates helpful information.

5. Please don't excessively complain about issues with BF4 in a distracting, negative manner. Any asshole who's played BF4 knows there are some issues with the gameplay but it is extremely annoying when muh-fuckas are screaming into their mics and constantly rage quitting because shit's not going their way.
Yeah, we know you should you shouldn't take bullets after you run around the corner but please STFU! PTFO of GTFO!

More info to come. TSC 4 Life...or at least until you get really bad carpal tunnel or go blind.

We are ONE with the shadows.


Ive started playing in another platoon, if more TSC players are active on the One, PLEASE let me know and ill play under this platoon again. Until then Ill play under OGD2. My first loyalty will always be to TSC.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Anyone active one the Xbox One I am requesting a game night one night soon. There is a platoon that Id love to show how to play as only TSC can. Hooah!!!!!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Its a team death match and chainlink server. They own the server and have a rather high opinion of their abilities.
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like