[TBL] The Black Legion

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Website: www.facebook.com/theblacklegion101 • Created: 2014-03-03

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74h 13m
Welcome to The Black Legion!
Are you interested in playing with an amazing group of gamers? Enlist today!


Well im leaving
10 years ago • 0 Like
Yo any TBL on Xbox 1 if so hit me up KoEz Mastadon
10 years ago • 1 Like
well, guys... I was hoping to tell some of you this in person but it seems none of us are on at the same time.
I'll be leaving TBL... its not anything personal, but here is why
looking at my clans rooster I know only maybe half.. the others I have never even played with or met, we normaly only have maybe 3 members on at a time and can never get together to do exercises or train so trying to do so seems a bit corny lol I don't want to stop playing with you guys at all! but we have tried to get our group into shape and it seems we never seem to gain any ground and its been weeks and weeks and I even tried to rent a server for two weeks and it still didn't help... cryo is a great leader and good friend as well as a great bf4 player and when we actually get some members online we do well, but getting people on that we know seems a problem... I hope this don't make hard feelings for anyone with me, I want to keep playing with you but I feel I need to make a change... I hope you understand.
much love to my boys in TBL!!
~Foehammer 1
10 years ago • 0 Like
New Emblem in progress.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I was asked to hit y'all up in the forums . So Take my GT: AfroSamir
I wanna check y'all out to play with your platoon if it works Im might be interested
10 years ago • 2 likes
alright. sorry i'll add you asap
been busy with life
10 years ago
you guys are US based? ... may make it difficult with me in the UK ...
10 years ago • 0 Like
Well we r u.s and Canada based but it will probly be fine connection wise
10 years ago
HI! this is Wolfpack 7265, been looking around for a xbox360 platoon to join, was hoping i could join yours?
10 years ago • 3 likes
Hey everyone invite your friends!
thanks! ~Cryoviper49
11 years ago • 1 Like