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Created: 2014-03-06

10,466 / 53,000

389h 8m


SO take Notice! Youre dump scum " IIIFabiazZIII " is from now Blacklisted in whole BF4! Also marked as Dirtyplayer! I prefeer you dump Kid stop insult us with unique Gameplay! Also if you unable to play in an Team you have to leave immediatly the MP Mode! You´ll also reported with all screens of your hurrasm wrotes! Enjoy your Futuregame !! Oh if you rename, dont worry we got you allways!
10 years ago • 1 Like
Teamplay?! Let me fly with may friend so we can play for the team successful.
abusive words?! Read your comment and you will find many abusive words.
"Blacklist of the whole BF4"?! What Blacklist kid? A little piece of paper on your pinkt table in your room?
"Dirtyplayer"!? Ich play Dirty? You don´t get out of the heli to let skillful players fly. Who plays dirty now?

So report yourself and throw your "Blacklist" and your "dirtyplayers" in the rubbish and get out of the heli next time, Then my friend and I will support the team as much as we could. When you don´t go out of my heli we can´t do this.
Or to say it with your level of education: Shut the fuck up!
10 years ago