[eXoG] eXodus Gaming

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Website: helixbf.com • Created: 2016-08-30

37,462 / 72,000

581h 24m

eXodus Gaming ™



This is a PC centered community.


Admin Contact/Help:

OWNERS: MrElectrify and SkrubSpectre

NOTICE: If you have any questions or need help from an admin, do not write on the platoon wall! The wall is not checked on a daily basis. Any issues that involve an admin, please join our teamspeak and go idle in the "Admin Help" and an admin will contact you shortly.

Ban Appeal

- If you were recently banned and you would like to appeal, please contact MrElectrify in Discord. I will then decide to appeal the ban or not.

Offensive/Inappropriate Player Behavior
- If a player in the server is behaving inappropriately please join the TS to alert an admin.


Server Stats, Chat Logs, and more [panel.helixbf.com]

Miscellaneous Useful Links:

Interactive Server Manager [helixbf.com]
OFFICIAL TEAMSPEAK: ⭆Click Here [tinyurl.com]
DONATE [goo.gl]

NOTICE: No eXodusGaming member should be found cheating. Background checks will be done. Any player that is found acting out of line will be removed from eXodusGaming.



What does this mean?
Well, it's not extremely practical yet. Now, you can, without opening battlelog, view detailed information about our servers, and other of your favorite servers, by putting their battlelog link in the box and pressing "Submit." You don't have to go through the hassle of battlelog to see how your favorite servers are doing. You can also view their GameTracker link to see how they compare against other servers.
I have plans to actually make it more practical by allowing users to directly join from the website itself without even launching battlelog. This will hopefully prevent the dreaded battlelog errors and make it fast and easy to play where you want to.

Provide feedback below on our Server Browser and tell me what you want to see!

See you on the battlefield.
7 years ago • 3 likes
Humilhando o aT_Becker e aT_RilleX
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFlTX_QKvAI [youtube.com]
7 years ago
Hi guys! want to inform you the Battlefield 4 tournament with a prize pool! "Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019"

- Registration http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2397-registratciiaregistration/ [rubigaming.com]
5 years ago • 0 Like
5 years ago • 1 Like
(eXoG) Bot-ya-LUL ; Fuck Cheater & Idioten Platoon.
7 years ago • 1 Like
(eXoG) Bot-ya-LUL ; Fuck Cheater & Idioten Platoon.
7 years ago
Hi would like to join your guys platoon, playing on your servers have been amazingly fun
7 years ago • 0 Like
So got kicked for the server being full but I was already 75% way through the match with top score on one team? Does that mean I got admin kicked or something?
7 years ago • 1 Like
I don't think so, I've noticed the server has a connection loss for a split sec and some ppl get kick or end up with a loss of connection like myself.
7 years ago
Servers currently have an unstable connection currently right now since they are still in the testing phases for different hardware. Thank you for your patience, we will grind out the rough edges in the server performance asap
7 years ago
Hey, me and my mate got kicked for being "too good" in the attack Heli. Blatant abuse of admin power. They where also kicking players from their team because they wanted to use the attack
7 years ago • 1 Like
This is unfortunate news, I am sorry that you had this situation occur to you. But I assure you, no admin of ours would do such a thing. Admins usually have a reason behind their actions so I will ask around, but for now sorry, for your tragic experience
7 years ago
Wasn't an admin kick, I too got the boot from the server. I do know we have had issues where the server just goes down for a split second and some ppl get kicked like myself for no reason. like a connection loss.
7 years ago
Playing on Helix #4 from 3am till 4:30am EST. Admin started team switching me on Golmund but quit near the end. I played a little of Locker but after killing them, they rage quit and I started bouncing me back and forth again. It continued throughout the remainder of Locker, into Parcel and then into Lan Dam. Is this how the admins behave on your servers? I kicked back and watched some Youtube. I was curious as to how long they'd bounce me. Seems like a child with admin rights has thrown a tantrum.
7 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
Not true. First off, we joined and stopped your guys from raping your own server. There was a 600 point difference when we joined. We evened out the games. Secondly, we don't teamswitch anyone nor is anyone banned on our server. Our server is Official and we don't log on to play childish games. I see that you've pre-judged me so I will not waste anymore of my time on you. Good day badmin.
7 years ago
Wish I still had the battlereport, but we joined after we noticed you guys stacking our server, so we joined to counter it. You can ask any member, I hardly even play on the servers, I only join to stop rape.
7 years ago
Hey guys, slightly out of the loop here, I have a couple questions.
1. Why did you change from Helix to Exodus?
2. What happened to the premium server? I used to have it favorited but now it seems to be a vanilla server?
7 years ago • 1 Like
1. Long story, basically a HELIX member was paying for the servers and he wanted it to be called like that, but under that we had a lot of drama because the other HELIX guys kept saying they had no power even though they did, lots of stuff. I won't get into it because I don't want to start any issues with anybody.
2. We have a new #1 linked on our platoon wall, we are getting rid of the old one.
7 years ago
I don't know the management of BF servers, but you guys really need to get a hold of they hackers on your servers. I just left one that I counted at LEAST 8 people hacking. I was going to go into spectator mode and record it, but you don't have that enabled. WTF guys, that's weak as shit.
7 years ago • 1 Like
Do u have the names of the people that you think were hacking? Please come to eXo ts and link them to one of our admins
7 years ago
BEFORE YOU POST HERE: You must realize that our server is running OFFICIAL. DICE has chosen to not allow our admins or admin tools to kick or ban players in real-time, making it impossible to get rid of cheaters without restarting the server, which I try and do every few days to enforce bans that I add. I am the only admin and cannot be on at all times, especially during the night-time hours. I understand you may be frustrated when you find cheaters in our server, but to be honest, I cannot do much unless you stick through it, give me the name of the player(s), and help us grow. I appreciate your cooperation.
8 years ago • 3 likes