It seems that the members of FTC are still acting like little bitches following NGG members in to games and constantly trying to get into parties with our members. They stated that they want nothing to do with NGG when they set up FTC or as one of their members calls it FCT XD. if they didn't want any part of NGG then why the hell are they obsessed with following us and joining us. so to you cooper or bionic which ever one of you reads this cos I know you will, stop being a bunch of little bitches and grow the fuck up. You may like to judge members because of the way YOU see them but you know fuck all about who they really are so just shut the fuck up and stop making yourselves look like cunts cos its just fucking hilarious. You can try act big and hard but thats easy over xbox, I'd like to see how you would handle things face to face, then we would see how manly you are
9 years ago • 0