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Created: 2014-03-01

7,647 / 20,000

128h 39m
This is C.E.L.L, a place for casual and competitive gamers alike, A place where you can squad up and play a few matches to blow off steam or whatever your reason... Any region or country of origin is allowed as we are a worldwide platoon and always will be, as long as you can speak English. and age doesn't matter, maturity does, but we all like a bit of fun!

we were originally a BF3 platoon back on PS3 and at our peak we had over 100+ members as well as a good and fairly strong competitive team, this included regular meet ups where we all played casually multiple times a week however we have now pushed onto BF4 and we hope to restore CELL to its former glory and will be trying our very best to do so!


Founder - reeceyb1234
Co-founder - Boost7_The-Q-Man



1) While playing with the platoon you must always use the (CELL) tag as well as the CELL Emblem.
2) You must have a mic or must get one ASAP.
3) You must be able to follow orders if ever playing competitively.


Recruitment thread: (please post on here regularly)

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064775323731471/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]



-✘FearAndMadness (FAM) 1-3 (januarry 2012)
-✔ United Legion (xULx) 5-2 (february 2012)
-✔ 100% (100) 3-0 (february 2012)
-✔ Call Your Sister (CYS) 4-0 (february 2012)
-✔ Waste Your Time (WYT) 2-0 (march 2012)
-✔ Seal Team Six (SIX) 3-1 (march 2012)
-✔ Devil's vengeance (DV) 4-0 (march 2012)
-✔ cold hearted killers (CHK) 4-2 (april 2012)
-✔ Finnish Capitalists (FIC) 3-0 (april 2011)
-✔ On Target (OT) 6-0 (april 2012)
-✔ TACTICAL ELITE SQUAD (TE5) 2-1 (april 2012)
-✔ Protest (PRO) 4-0 (may 2012)
-✔ Hogs of War (hogs) 4-0 (may 2012)
-✔ The lone wolves (TLW) 2-1 (june 2012)
-✔ The Sixth Sense (sXs) 4-3 (june 2012)
-✘ ImmenZ Gaming (FN) 0-6 (july 2012)
-✔ syndicate (xSx) 5-1 (july 2012)
-✔ United States Marine Corps (USMC) 2-1 (july 2012)
-✔ World Wide Killerz ( WWKz) 1-4 (august 2012)
-✘ Se on Murha (SOM) 3-1 (september 2012)
-✔ the creed (cred) 4-0 (september 2012)
-✔ Death Before Dishonor (DBD) 2-1 (october 2012)
-✔ Hogs of War (hogs) 5-1 rematch (october 2012)
-✔ S!K NATION GAMEING (S!K) 4-1 (october 2012)
-✔ Portuguese sofa killers (PSK) 5-2 (november 2012)
-✔ Dirty Dog Division (DDD) 4-0 (november 2012)
-✔ Special Unit Forces (SUF) 3-0 (december 2012)
-✔ Old Reliables (OLRe) 5-2 (december 2012)
-✘/✔ Titans Of War (TOW) 1-1 DRAW (december 2012)
-✔ Finnish Tactical Force (FTF) 4-0 (january 2013)
-✘ AREO GAMING (Areo) 0-4 (January 2013)

WINS✔: 26
Losses✘: 4
Draws✘/✔: 1

(since March 2014)

(((hard work does not go un-noticed)))


NEW recruitment thread up and running, i cant stress enough how much this needs posting on so please keep checking back in your spare time and when on BF to post on it because we do defiantly need those posts regularly lads. Me and James, yes we are looking out for good team players, but we also need people constantly posting on the recruitment thread and in the recruitment forums. The more you post the more we will notice you, and here in CELL hard work never goes un-rewarded.

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064775323731471/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

so keep on posting lads, because we need this! Thanks - Reece + James
10 years ago • 3 likes
nobody has posted anything on the thread for 3-4 days now
10 years ago
Can I join
10 years ago
Okay basically guys this platoon isn't active, and from what i've heard from speaking to reecey he isn't going to be playing battlefield 4 actively for a long time. For an active platoon please join http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/2099596161846061513/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Thank you reecey for all the support to this platoon during the 2 generations of battlefield.
10 years ago
Nice to see you guys are still around
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hi im looking for some more friends to play with so if anyone would like to play send me a friend request on PSN thanks guys!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey Guys, I wanted to pass some information to you and were fully aware of the upcoming G4G qualifying series for their league system. Here is the information requarding the event: http://www.esport-battlefield.com/glory-series-qualifiers/ [esport-battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys, could we set up a 16v16 Conquest match for any Sun-Wed after 1030 pm est or a 32v32 any Saturday after 1030pm est?
10 years ago • 0 Like
would be a even match
10 years ago
Hi Cell would you guys be interested in a match of Defuse or Domination in the near future against GA just add me if your interested and we can arrange a date! (PS4)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Well we're not big on Def or Dom but obliterarion or possibly TDM :)
10 years ago
Hello guys, I was told about your platoon from a friend. Heard you guys are laid back and like to have fun yet competitive which is what im looking for when playing with people. Well hope to get in and get to playing some games and having some fun.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Well I guess we are laid back.... in my case just Damon lazy, but either way THOU SHALT BE ANNOITED WITH THIS HERE ACCEPTANCE TO US MIGHTY CELL. Sorry, was watching GOT, went all medieval n shit. But anyway enough about that, I'm Boost or James,whichever, and I'm CELLs leader, co-founder, attempted comedian, resident noon and as you may have noticed I'm a lil mad. So yeah Welcome!
10 years ago
Damon..... Dafuq, go away Matt Damon, you're interfering with stuff. Like I said "attempted comedian" .
10 years ago
had as good fw games last night lads
10 years ago • 1 Like
Alright so my PS4 is being a Penis, it's developed this error where it refuses to load my friends list, friend requests etc so basically if I don't inv or message you or add you I can't help it it refuses to load it, and in game lists are iffy too. And if I try to search for your name it just error codes.... so yeah I looked up the problem, not overly common but a few people have it. NW-31448-0 is the code if you're interested :P
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
Problem's meant to fix itself in 48 hours, ive had it for 2 weeks so fuck me and call me Gillian this is pissing me off as ive now disovered i cant join parties either. Fan-daby-cunting-dosy
10 years ago
ah sorry about saturday night btw mate, my internet just fucked up and shat on itself and wouldnt work even after i reset it etc, i didnt just ditch you bro haha
10 years ago
Is anybody interested in playing on Thursday?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Any troops on later wana get a group going and get our platoon ranked up?
10 years ago • 0 Like
come on men need 1 more
10 years ago
Im in for the 5v5 this Friday. Can someone tell me the time it starts. I need people to friend request me my name is beboss101
10 years ago • 0 Like
Guys i would love to join. I have been looking for a clan that suites me and i think i found it. I can play some beast assualt. Plz let me know if im in.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Always need a guy we can scream MEDIIIIC to so welcome to the family :D
10 years ago
Hi cam i join
10 years ago • 0 Like
id just like to say thanks to all of the recent members signing up, but please add me and my co-founder as well as your leader on psn and battlelog please lads, hopefully we shall play soon!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Its seems my ps4 has deleted all my bf4 campaign progress!!!! This happened to anyone else? :(
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 14 comments Read more
guys am gonna stop playing battlefield until naval strike comes out so if you need me for a clan match or owt send message on here
10 years ago
yes, this has happened to me a lot but I did manage to complete it once without it freezing or have any error.
10 years ago
Hi Guys, would you be interested in some Rush games against The WarHoundz (WHz)?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Well rush isn't our strong suit, would you be interested in obliteration?
10 years ago
Good luck guys for Bf4 catch you on the battlefield sometime :)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Haha thanks Adam man, I've noticed you the Areo/KaoS guys have been beast since you got it, KDs is like 5+ which is in-fuckin'-sane :P
10 years ago