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Website: www.nunyaclan.com • Created: 2014-06-06

12,908,210 / 3,306,000

11510h 52m
The NUNYA! Clan Gaming Community

The NUNYA! Clan all started with BF Vietnam. There were 4 of us that played every night and died a lot!

FlOyD, Cheerios, Tater Salad and TommyBoy! We played as a team, and we had a huge amount of laughs. Then we transitioned into a new game.

The NUNYA! Clan Gaming Community was conceived on the release of BF2! I put the word NUNYA! as a bogus Clan tag to keep other Clans from recruiting me in game. I spent more time typing than I did playing. We established new relationships with the squad feature in BF2 and BAM I had a Clan!

I would spend the round in an A.P.C. and my squad would fill up fast. I noticed after a week or 2, the same players were joining my squad. That group was, BlueCow, Saurdo and Simmage. They asked if they could join my made up clan, I simply replied, "What Clan”? They would ask to go to my “made up clan” Website, I explained, I don’t have one. Saurdo said give me a week and you will have one.

Like the Public population that comes to our server we had looked for a home for the newly formed Clan to play as a TEAM! We played in a popular server nightly and decided that their rules were a little harsh, at that moment the collective wheels began to turn. This thought process resulted in the Clan deciding to start our own server.

We have continued to grow and are appreciative that many new players show an interest in joining NUNYA CLAN GAMING, and our recruiting will carry on. The NUNYA! Nation has ballooned to over 55 members and counting!

It’s about the “FUN” and the “Friendships” and of course the games we play. We laugh at ourselves and others because it’s all about competing and the fun!


FYI-Nunya slip is caught hacking here in South Africa and now banned
5 years ago • 0 Like
Here is just one bf report : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/1063875994944724224/1783372410/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
5 years ago
People kept saying that Puffin96 was hacking or something last night. I spectated him and recorded it but didn't really see anything, but here's the footage anyway https://youtu.be/8WwYDrwt3Pc [youtu.be]
6 years ago • 0 Like
Battlefield 4 bug LOCKER

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m9qBpW2IlI [youtube.com]
6 years ago • 0 Like
7 years ago • 0 Like
Pathetic leader, rules, server. Just stop running your server.
7 years ago • 0 Like
And then napman says to me: We've been succesful since BFC2....... YES I CAN SEE. Everyone hates ur server. Just take a quick look on ur platoon wall.

Fuck you!!! Regards Langengee
7 years ago • 1 Like
DKnapman Why u cry so much? dont fly next round. Fucking trash got farmed. No wounder https://gyazo.com/e583221508055ab25ee5b2e05e611dcf [gyazo.com]
7 years ago • 0 Like
hello fucking Admins PhilBole nice admins kill!! I repeat the acts that seem to be fucking with my own rule.  you need die  クソ鯖は死んでどうぞ。

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7 years ago • 0 Like
Banned for no reason by a bunch of low skill low kd players. Madmins as usual. You are the exact reason why they remove RCON and PROcon commands from BF1 you little fagboys.
7 years ago • 0 Like
Now I understand why this fagmin is so mad. His 0.7 kd. Now I get QUADMAN. You suck at this game so you ban me. Ok stay mad you little baby penis faggot
7 years ago • 0 Like
How is 23-5 in a heli "Hacking/Cheating"...I don't even fly much in general...
7 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys. Do you have any interest in trying to setup weekly clan matches when BF1 comes out?
8 years ago • 1 Like
why was i kicked for no reason
8 years ago • 0 Like
Suck my dick faggot no idiot is gonna play in your gay server
8 years ago • 0 Like
Why you guys kicked people when there was space in the server still what this server runs by idiots I guess so who want donate to a server they don't give a fuck before I give you my money I will burn it morons
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hello, don't know where else to post this so I'll post it here. I was recently banned from the NUNYA Battlefield 4 server on accident. There was another player with a similar name on the server, the username was DragonWheels I believe, and what I think happened was that an admin typed out a command like /ban dragon, and that banned me, as my username has dragon in it. The admin online on the server at the time was k-diddly, so I believe he can vouch for me.

My IGN: greekdragonkdl
10 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry for late response..I don't see you on ban list? k-diddy doesn't remember the specifics, but she said u were ok as far as she can remember.
10 years ago
Be careful, lots of pedophiles in this clan... seriously, i've found 4 of them online, and they're actually registered sex offenders whom try to pick up on kids in these online games.
8 years ago
I'm MS_Fray. I was banned from your server today.
I played over 1300 hours. I never cheats (why I need to do it?).
Please check my rank of machine gun in the world.
Please also let me know why your admin banned me.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I don't see you in the ban list
9 years ago
www.180Movie.com check it out!
8 years ago
Hello, I just saw the last post also and have been banned also. I was recently hacked to the point I had to contact EA . The person that hacked me was in some eastern Europe country . He was not even good . So if you could let me know if I am on the banned list also and how I prove to you I have control of my game again .
9 years ago • 0 Like
I don't see you on the ban list
9 years ago
www.180Movie.com check it out!
8 years ago
hey im shinoter_187 and i am banned for some reason. can i please know why? i am not looking for fight i just dont know why i cant join this server anymore. i am usually on and enjoy being on nunya.
9 years ago • 0 Like
I do not see you in the ban list
9 years ago
www.180Movie.com check it out!
8 years ago