[TFSO] Tac Force Squad One
Created: 2015-12-03
193h 16m
Tac Force Squad one
We are Team players!
Feel free to join! [Active players only- Kick after long inactivity!]
The clan is International - we speak English and German. Inactivity Enforcing: if a player is offline/not responding for longer than 4 weeks without contacting an Admin beforehand, he will be kicked.
Minimum Level 50
Leader is iRaize_Lag
If you're playing medic and constantly 20% reviving it will have consequences! Antisocial behaviour will result in two warnings then kick. We don't waste time on people that do not teamplay.
Discord server: https://discord.gg/FhbhHQ6 [discord.gg]
Three voice chat enabled channels
Two text-only channels
We are Team players!
Feel free to join! [Active players only- Kick after long inactivity!]
The clan is International - we speak English and German. Inactivity Enforcing: if a player is offline/not responding for longer than 4 weeks without contacting an Admin beforehand, he will be kicked.
Minimum Level 50
Leader is iRaize_Lag
If you're playing medic and constantly 20% reviving it will have consequences! Antisocial behaviour will result in two warnings then kick. We don't waste time on people that do not teamplay.
Discord server: https://discord.gg/FhbhHQ6 [discord.gg]
Three voice chat enabled channels
Two text-only channels