[FHH] Fuck Hell Hawk

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Website: www.gaintsevislife.com • Created: 2014-05-11

25,237 / 43,000

194h 48m
Welcome to the FHH pro gaming platoon page! We are a professional gaming platoon dedicated to trying to win. We are about having fun and battling with heart rather than skill but if you suck you can't join. (Donations currently being accepted)

Benefits of joining!

- friendship
- Scrims on the daily
- We have our very own 24/7 lockers server hosted by our ally rowdy (rowdys rape dungeon)
- Get to be friends with AlphaQueOver!
- We lose only 83% of the time!
- Free to join! (At extra cost)
- fast track to iX
- And many more!

Requirements of joining

- 3+ spm
- must be arab or know an arab
- pronounce six as "sux"
- have great fashion sense
- kdr is not essential but 6+ is prefferable
- must own mic or at least a controller
- able to ignore instructions and fuck up immensely

If this is you then feel free to donate first then apply to join!


fuck all you traitors
10 years ago • 2 likes
I hope everyone welcomed our newest and obviously worst member that had has ever joined Daneil!
10 years ago • 0 Like
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When I first laid my eyes upon the train wreck that this clan was, I was truly astonished. Never before in my 18 years of choosing clans to help, had I seen one so malnourished and lacking life, I felt as if this was my reason to be placed on Earth. It was a real struggle at first, teaching people how to turn their cameras and choose a class, but it got better. Soon we, FHH, had managed to move forward. We began to play at the same times, and once we even managed to have 2 people on one team, and another on the other team, a memory I will cherish for the rest of my life. I felt as if I had accomplished my goal and could now live without worries. But it seems I was wrong.

Midway through my week off of guiding FHH to success, bacteria had penetrated our walls and began attacking us from the inside, tearing us apart. Doctors researching the bacteria had discovered it was being spread by Camnz13. They told us that numerous clans had been infected and the fatality rate was 100%. The panic that followed was unbelievable, Hell Hawk hid in a tank for weeks, Gaintsev decided Operation Locker was his new home, and Camnz13 kept spreading the bacteria. I knew I could not let this injustice go unanswered, and that my true calling was to face up to the bacteria breeder. So I challenged him to a 1v1 qwikscop battle on rust and did the sikest 420 fade away dropshot headshot no scope collateral on him. He left the clan afterwards.

And that's pretty much how I became CEO of FHH.
10 years ago
Hid in his tank for weeks*
10 years ago
Seeing as there are too many applications currently and gainstev can't deal with them all, we will be holding a mass trial on the 3rd Wednesday of August, starting at 12am Aest, there will be a randomly selected 32v32 conquest large on Flood Zone every hour to decide who makes it and who doesn't. We will be looking for the following roles:

- Scout reper/Rpger
- very quick scooper,
- person with c4 that can flood the map quicker than the quick scooper can scope.

The overall good players will also be considered.

TO APPLY: Add gainstev on psn AND battlelog. We will be trialling on our own server, rowdys r4pe dungeon 4. Be there at 12am or you will need to wait for the next trial game to begin.

Thanks sincerely ladies and lads, CEO of FHH Enterprises, I'llFackYouOver
10 years ago • 0 Like
Note: auto correct changed scoper to scooper. Apologies to the quick scoopers out there as that role is being currently occupied.
10 years ago
As the only true member of FHH Enterprises, I would like to inform you that I can't even edit the presentation. Bit weird considering I am the CEO and other high ranking stuff. Nevertheless, I have not forgotten about you gaintsev22, this is why I have spoken with my great friends TitanWrath and Cruisada. We all agreed that you are a magnificent p̶l̶a̶y̶e̶r̶, person, and have decided to give you the choice. It is after all, the clan you'll live the rest of your battlefield life at.

I know you will want to thank me, but don't worry. I feel as if this is an apology for the anti air vehicle incident.

Furthermore, I see you have retired your online gaming career and I cannot even describe the feeling I have from seeing this. But I feel honoured, no wait more than honoured, , yes I feel to be able to announce, your newest career.

Ladies(Camnz26÷2) and Gentlemen, it is with great that the reason gaintsev22 has retired his online gaming career, is to begin his professional online gaming career!

gainstev22 will appear in all major games, from cod4 c4 1v1s to the MLG Pokémon Showdown tournaments.

If you've made it this far, well done. Sorry cam and Jew for getting in that attack helicopter and being fingered by all 32 enemies, not much I could do.

Sorry to the people in locker that sometimes glitch and I can't revive, or to the ones that get a 20 revive due to the glitch.

Not sorry to the people that I've tbagged in cod.

Sorry to the people that read this far down,
10 years ago • 0 Like
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why did I read that? Jesus christ - that was awful. So poorly written, and full of garbage.

10 years ago
About 16.56343% of the words, rounded of course, were taken out for some reason. Batulfeelds' servers are mint flavoured.
10 years ago
to all remaining members, just know that you are cool and sexy.
10 years ago • 1 Like
You da best
10 years ago
Oh you, stop it xxx ;) less than 3 < -3i^2
10 years ago
Today we bid farewell Alphawhatshisface. Yet another pub scrub who has decided he is no longer attracted to females and is joining ix. We wish him all the best and hope that his lust for a males touch is found within the ix organization, as im sure it will be. So long gay boy
10 years ago • 0 Like
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you dont press square you fuck, you've learnt nothing.
10 years ago
at least you tried
10 years ago
Oh my Jesus, I'd just like to thank you all here for the latest gift I have been granted. Being recognised as a leader in the clan is easily the best thing that has even happened to me. Having this power requires me to thank you all individually.

Mr Gaintsev, what a legend. Without you, I don't know how I would cope with the two 7 year olds that keep joining our squad. The way in which you force them to act is simply breathe-taking. Consider a career in childcare, you'd be great!

Camera13, I don't like you much. You're the only reason I haven't been chosen for the Australian BF4 squad, seriously all you do is steal my kills. Oh and don't get me started on the Times you've done a Cruisada and destroyed my vehicles because I wouldn't give them to you. Overall great gal, will rep for you next time you get a scout.

And finally the best player of them all, the renowned COD prodigy now known for his insane boating skills. If you ever see this guy in a match just leave, or get your KDR ruined.

Can't thank you all enough for the responsibility you have given me by promoting me, we can only move forward from here.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Reported and demoted, fuck you.
10 years ago
Thanks! My body was already struggling under the pressure, you just know me too well.
10 years ago
Shout-out to Jewcasso for the new clan emblem x
10 years ago • 0 Like
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FHE? Sounds much better
10 years ago
Reported for being an ideut, please don't make my brain hurt any further. Thank you
10 years ago
wow omg if u don't put me as leader I swear that I will hack u up ok and I will then get my other clan and!beat bf5
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hi there, I have reported your message as abusive & spam - please don't comment on this wall again.

Thank you
10 years ago
I would like to this time to clear up any rumours that are circulating around the Aus/Nz bf4 community forums as we speak. Yes, a member has decided to part ways with FHH, and yes, it is hellhawk19.

Hawk has been an integral component in the growth and development of FHH over the past year, but his desire to join iX was reaching orgasmic levels so we had no other choice but to release him. I understand some of you are upset but i assure you this is a step in the right direction for FHH, and i promise you BIG changes are coming. Cams leadership will be sternly tested over the coming weeks and if he fails to impress Gaintsev, he will be immediately revoked of any leadership statuses an demoted to cod ghosts.

BIG changes are on the way. Shut up Cam
10 years ago • 4 likes
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I agree that our standards are extremely, hell its the only reason why you are still here
10 years ago
Extremely low that is
10 years ago
Dear H-e-l-l-hawk, thank you for reaffirming the clan name and helping the clan come together in a time of celebration. I truly feel you joining iX has put a certain emphasis on the #FackHellHawk part of #FackHellHawk, though had you had joined Spartan I would have cried even more.

As a result of this departure, I pleased to announce an opening. I require a new vehicle whore as part of the #FHH Vehicle division. Primarily Attack Heli gunners - please apply below.

Thank you.
10 years ago • 2 likes
"H-e-l-l-Hawk -
Lives and breathes in a vehicle, it's been said that he is actually a vehicle himself and is often seen making out with other vehicles. Little is known about this mysterious hawk creature, if seen please contact iX as they are still looking to trial him. "

Classic Jewp, classic.
10 years ago • 2 likes
As the self appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Manager of Operations (MO) and Secretary of State (SS), I am proud to announce that FHH will be opening a new line of servers in the coming weeks. Along with a 24/7 Lancang Dam server, there will be 10 "choose-the-map" servers. Admin applications for these servers will open shortly. Please note that FHH is strongly against the use of violence. With this said, if an admin sees anyone using weapons or displaying aggressive behaivour, the admin will instantly kick and ban you from all our social servers.
10 years ago • 2 likes
24/7 Langcam Dam can surely just be a dream? Such a wonderful map, can't wait for this!
10 years ago