[rTr] Right to Rebel
Website: righttorebel.net •
Created: 2014-02-27
39,085,043 / 3,306,000
18737h 56m
Please visit our website @ http://righttorebel.net [righttorebel.net] and fill out an application or join
our Discord @ rTrDiscord.com and find a recruiter. See you on the battlefield!
our Discord @ rTrDiscord.com and find a recruiter. See you on the battlefield!
I'd like to report your member "army126" for abusing his right as an admin. I simply asked him not to take down the tower in Siege of Shanghai. He did this, and I asked him why he took the fun out of that map. He kicked me from the game for that. I didn't threaten him or anything.
7 years ago • 0
Could i be unbanned from the servers? Its been months since my offense :/
8 years ago • 1
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Hey, you guys interested in clan v clan HC matches? Setting up different game modes and sizes of scrims (6v6, 15v15, etc.). Pairing up smaller clans to get the bigger game modes. Also, if a clan can only commit to having 5 players in a match, setting up ringers to beef up their numbers. If you're at all interested in clan alliances for matches or being a ringer yourself - Hit me up on BL to coordinate as I won't get notifications if you guys add a comment.
8 years ago • 1
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You can request a scrim with us on our website.
http://www.righttorebel.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?22-Request-a-Scrim-with-Right-To-Rebel [righttorebel.net]
http://www.righttorebel.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?22-Request-a-Scrim-with-Right-To-Rebel [righttorebel.net]
8 years ago
You guys still an active group? Looking for clans to participate in games against other clans. All modes, various sizes. Grouping smaller clans together to get the possibility of bigger game modes such as Conquest and Rush. Add me to Battlelog if you guys are at all interested.
8 years ago • 0
Your boy 1IVIANARMY likes to intentionally crash choppers because he didn't want other people gunning, and then he has the balls to report me for teamkilling(never did). Dude is a tool.
8 years ago • 0
Please submit a complaint on our website if you have a problem with another player or any suggestions/complaints, direct link here, http://righttorebel.net/forums/forms.php?do=form&fid=41 [righttorebel.net]
Also, if you have an issue in game or on Teamspeak, but wouldn't consider it a complaint. More to document repeated behavior or specific problems, feel free to submit an Incident Report, located here, http://righttorebel.net/forums/forms.php?do=form&fid=2 [righttorebel.net]
Also, if you have an issue in game or on Teamspeak, but wouldn't consider it a complaint. More to document repeated behavior or specific problems, feel free to submit an Incident Report, located here, http://righttorebel.net/forums/forms.php?do=form&fid=2 [righttorebel.net]
8 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA1xs8peQUM [youtube.com] Some montage videos I did in the chopper. if ya'll would like to check it out!. Would like to support rTr servers in my videos too if that is cool, please let me know. Thanks!
8 years ago • 0
You'll get more responses if you post to our forums - would also need to go there to communicate with the leadership. www.righttorebel.net
8 years ago
I deleted you're newest video from our page as it promoting another clans servers. If you want to do videos supporting rTr servers, no problems there. I would get in touch with the S5 department though, TipsyGypsy on the forums and TS or her assistant, RunnyMoney.
8 years ago
Can someone please check to see why every few minutes I got kicked? I suspect it might be my comcast crap internet spiking pings but I want to be sure. I was in rtr #3 today for a couple hours. It got really bad the last map. Was kicked twice. There was no reason given in battlelog. Thanks -BosBot
8 years ago • 0
You have not been kicked by our admins or the plugin. The only recorded CMD action on you is for helping populate a server. That means most likely you were kicked to make room for a member or a VIP. Members get priority over pubbies, plain and simply. We also whitelist veterans and currently active duty soldiers. During the evenings, #3 is our most popular server for members, anywhere from 10-20 rTr members in game. So a few people will get kicked . And before you ask, DICE doesn't let us choose who gets kicked(i.e. newest to join). You can submit a IR or complaint at righttorebel.net
8 years ago
Smoker just banned me from the #4 server for no reason. I don't hack, wasn't making any accusations of hacking. He just banned me.
9 years ago • 0
We don't discuss bans on TS or the open forums/websites. Please submit a ban appeal at http://righttorebel.net/forums/forms.php?do=form&fid=40 [righttorebel.net]
8 years ago
I was banned on server #3 due to my name, i have changed it and can i please be unbanned?
9 years ago • 0
Please submit a Ban Appeal @
http://righttorebel.net/forums/forms.php?do=form&fid=40 [righttorebel.net]
http://righttorebel.net/forums/forms.php?do=form&fid=40 [righttorebel.net]
8 years ago
seriously, Army126? you kicked me with no reason from your server?? It would only seem that I was kicked for commanding for the other side, which won the game? Your server states "Fair" and "Friendly" play. Seems pretty shady to me. I don't hack, cheat, or degrade people in your chat. I respect your server and this is how you treat people when your team doesn't win?
9 years ago • 0
perhaps it was kiIIer04 that kicked me, either way, the behavior is pretty childish
9 years ago
If you were just kicked, it was most likely to make room for another member. Member's have priority, plain and simple. If you were banned, that's a different story. We don't talk about them here, in Teamspeak or on the forums, you can appeal at www.righttorebel.net. Thanks.
9 years ago
Hey jsut wondering the status on my acceptance so I don't have to be that lone wolf any more
9 years ago • 0
I don't know to who say thank u but I own u guys six pack Heineken , I can play again on ur server ,its really guys u exist in gamers community thank u again ;]
9 years ago • 0
hi guys sorry to bother I just was banned on ur server operation metro hardcore couse of tk and I play on this serv since I REMEMBER and I never had a problem ,its hardcore its really difficoult avoid tk when people run in to ur fire , please I wish to go back to that serv and play on it , can anyone help me with that
9 years ago • 0