[B7N] By The Numbers

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Website: twitter.com/btn_clan • Created: 2015-03-17

52,948 / 121,000

926h 4m
The Official By The Numbers contract 02/27/2015

This is an official By The Numbers organization enlistment contract. This contract goes over the mandatory guidelines of the organization. Please read thoroughly and carefully before signing, for some qualifications, standards and expectations may not be suitable to you.

Hi and welcome to By The Numbers (BTN)

There will be NO TOLERANCE for cheating, hacks, and glitch mods. Reason be it is unfair to online players first and for most your BTN members. If you are found to be using any of these to your advantage you will be dismissed from the clan challenge, and in absolute removed from the clan.

We are a family, and as a family we like to joke around. Swear words, and humorous comments are dispersed at the clan member’s knowledge that there is NO INTENTION TO HURT ONE ANOTHER'S FEELINGS, OR TO PURPOSELY OFFEND THEM IN ANY FORM OR FASHION. If you are to be caught with intended negligence you will be removed IMMEDIATELY from the clan. When playing online your feelings, thoughts, and expression towards other players (aside from BTN) will not be accounted for.

When accepted into BTN there will be NO CHANGING YOUR CLAN TAG TO ANY OTHER NAME FOR YOUR PLEASURE. Keep your clan tag as given , represent the family that you are in, and foremost have pride that you are in an advanced playing organization. If you are found / caught having a different tag, you will be removed from the organization immediately with a proper explanation of why this decision was made.

If you are to leave the organization FOR ANY SPECIFIC REASON you are to notify me at Skype: j-tipp or Twitter: @umadscrub (Owner of the organization) with a reason and explanation on why you are going to leave BTN. Leaving without a notice or heads up will result in no chance of you getting back in, for it is seen as betrayal, lack of interest, organization jumping etc.

We hope that BTN is the organization for you, and that you are suitable to what this contract has stated. Please state your name below to finalize your stay with By The Numbers.


Coach got beat up on Zavod311 with his buddy Josh
5 years ago • 0 Like
Scrub can u accept me?
7 years ago • 0 Like
12v12 CQ small BFH vs aN add me
9 years ago • 0 Like
i just applied cause my PGEE platoon isnt active anymore including my leader went on pc now
9 years ago • 0 Like
A cat face wait that's a beard lol jk join me in plz ill try to get premium in the next week for 3week early dlc scrub
9 years ago • 0 Like
Yea Tipp I want to be part of this click, fakm, la familia, all that good jazz!!! Check my stats bro see if Im worthy lol!!!
9 years ago • 1 Like
sup srucb bro
9 years ago • 0 Like