[187s] Whisky 187s

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Created: 2014-05-24

3,163 / 12,000

65h 11m
Hi This is Steven or Royal as you may come to know me. We are a Military Simulation Platoon who create the most realistic play style we can, including a ranking system and members promotion/demotion if you wish to join let either royal or cheese know (royalmarines1888 & TheOneEliteGamer/Cheesegrater1)

Ranking System:


-Lance Corporal



-Staff Sergeant

-2nd Officer

-1st Officer

-2nd Lieutenant

-1st Lieutenant


for simplicity the ranking system does not follow the real ranking system, so that civvy orientated members may easily understand who they are in the platoon.

-As a Recruit you will be trained and conditioned and will follow any order given by a higher rank without feedback.

-As a Lance your input will be noted by rank and you will begin to learn and study the responsibilities you'll soon gain when on the battlefield.

-As a Corporal you will be put through some training such as TAT (Tactical Awareness Training) and leadership on the field.

-As a sergeant you will now have the the necessary skills needed to lead a squad on the battlefield and will go through more advanced training to make sure your ready for the role.

-As a Staff sergeant it's your job to create, test and organise training methods for the lower ranks and inform the Nco's (Anyone under this rank but above recruit) of higher rank movements and decisions.

-As a 2nd Officer you can now recruit new members after evaluating their skills and consulting with someone of equal or higher rank.

-As a 1st Officer you will have the added responsibility of keeping tabs on lower ranking members and Nco's, making sure they doing their jobs correctly if you find a problem you report it to higher rank.

-As a 2nd Lieutenant other ranks will come to you for advice and to report happenings in the platoon you are now also able to evaluate lower ranks and demote if necessary but a second opinion is needed from an equal or higher rank.

-As a 1st Lieutenant you are now able to evaluate and demote without the need of a second opinion and you can now promote members with a second opinion from equal or higher rank.

-As a Captain you are the highest ranking soldier in the platoon and will undergo extensive training from Commanding Officers of the platoon. You have all the abilities of previous rank combined of course and are trusted by the CO's(commanding officers) to run things efficiently where needed. you answer only to the platoon CO's.

Platoon CO's at the moment are royalmarines1888 & Cheesegrater1 their word is final and should not be ignored as punishment or removal is possible.

We aim to make the game as fun as possible and do not wish to control any member in a way that makes them unhappy but to be part of this platoon you must be able to take orders as this is key to the military simulation. every member will work their way up the rank system so nobody have got where they are without proving themselves, thanks



Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?