[13TH] 13th Legionaries-360

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Website: 13thlegionaries.ihostinghq.com • Created: 2014-02-27

3,489,572 / 3,306,000

1127h 7m
We have 2 sides to the platoon. First and foremost, we are a tactical platoon. The bulk of our platoon's structure revolves around our organized divisions. They have training sessions, SOP's, and follow a ranking structure to stay organized in-game. Secondly, we have the Casual Division. This is essentially a community for all members who just want to meet friendly, team oriented players, without the stress of taking orders, following a structure, etc. All members are free to switch between these "sides" as they please- But disruptive or immature players who cannot maintain composure while playing in an organized division will be moved to Casual if they are unable to change their ways.

During our time in BF3, we pioneered many methods of operation which other clans now use, such as our divisional system, AU, and many training methods. Some of these can now be seen in platoons such as DbD, Defensive Corps, and Lyons Bane.

We mainly play Hardcore CQ and Rush. In-game, we combine military tactics with knowledge of the game, to overcome any and all opposition. We do not focus on skill in single combat; superior teamwork and tactical strength is how we defeat our enemy. Therefore, we don't care if you are a super-soldier or a complete newbie to the game- if you are mature and respectful, we welcome you with open arms.

We expect all of our members to be mature and respectful to one another at all times. Likewise, we try to avoid recruiting people with poor sportsmanship.

We also run mil-sim OPs every once in a while, for tactical practice and just for fun.

Once you have been with us for a while, you may come to a trainer to ask about entering testing for either Recon Squad(RS) or special Adaptive Unit(AU). We are the creators of Adaptive Unit, and some other platoons have tried to adopt it, but we take pride because no other platoons have been able to do it properly and make it work like we have. More info about this can be provided upon joining.


-Standard Infantry: 13T_ (Callsign: Dagger/Echo)
-Armored Cavalry: 13AC (Callsign: Saber)
-Air Force: 13AF (Callsign: Razor/Falcon)
-Recon Squad: 13RS (Callsign: Spectre)
-Adaptive Unit: 13AU(Callsign: Joker)

http://13thlegionaries.ihostinghq.com/ [13thlegionaries.ihostinghq.com]

XB1 Platoon Page:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/1946762811225148934/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Xbox 360 Primary Roster:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlpC2-sgf-j-dFRsTDFsZmRLdm5iNjRKTW4zNjNpQVE&usp=sharing [docs.google.com]

Ranking Structure/ Point Requirements:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eFf73DR9kKR1P4Bz0zfs-gj-IaV97QOZTqqqLu4DgNw/edit [docs.google.com]


jo, this aferim007 guy is a poor hacking kid, so be proud of him
5 years ago • 0 Like
what's up guys I was wondering if we can have a battle message me if you accept my challenge !
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hello I would like to join I'm active on 360 usually playing BF4 I can use all the classes I usually use Mechanic or Support I can't speak because of a car accident I am recovering I can follow orders and be a team player I love to be part of teams and I would like to join.

Age: 22
GT: FTGartisticfoil
9 years ago • 0 Like
I will change nothing on my character until its okay for me to join
9 years ago
ok gonna change my tags
9 years ago
any chance I can try out for this team?
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello 13th, I would like to join your 360 platoon. I am at a loss since many platoons lose focus and get disorganized. I applied in the past but didn't get in. I would like a chance with you. I hate playing alone. I am a team player and will do my best to be of service.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Make sure to add me on XBL. My gamertag is the same as my BL screen name.
9 years ago
hello i have applied and put 13RE as my clan tag and sent messages to the leader
9 years ago • 0 Like
also played a few games and have spoken with wolfe
9 years ago
Your battlelog page says that you game on the One. Please refer to the orientation for the XB1 battlelog page and apply there.
9 years ago
Hey guys, looking to join up with a squad that plays to win. Sick of these scrub clans that only have 1 or 2 guys on EVER. I play everyday and I'm experienced as I've played bf since the release of bf3.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Gamertag same as BL screen name?
9 years ago
hello im very eager to join the 13th strive to be the best i can be my speacialty is sniping and i could use training for long ronge sniping. i have a mic and im a team player. my gamertag is agentchrome 2169. i hope this is for xbox 360.
9 years ago • 0 Like
I was a member a long time ago. I had stopped playing BF due to some problems with my Xbox. Now, I have my Xbox working and my Xbox One up and running. I am currently in the Army ROTC and I am a very tactical player. Please allow me to once again become a member!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello everyone, I have applied to the 13th and am eager to get started. I thought I might post here as well as on the recruitment forum post. Thanks.
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
I applied to both, there wasn't much speculation on which was the structured/casual division.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Although now I realize the difference.
9 years ago
Due to current absence of the Xbox 360 leadership, I have dealt with all of the pending applications, either negatively or positively.. 18 of you were accepted, but there is no pressure to stick around if you have no interest in doing so. If you do intend to stick with the gentlemen on 360, please change your tags to 13RE and message XIII Unknown74 or Wideload13, or just start getting with members via the members list here or the roster. Thanks!
9 years ago • 0 Like
I have cleaned off the Public and Private feeds here on the 360 page.
10 years ago • 0 Like
how do I join?
10 years ago
Never mind I just applied
10 years ago