[23] 23th Devision

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Created: 2015-02-05

7,001 / 11,000

30h 49m
23th is the ultimate squad playing on multiple maps and mode's.

I've you want to join this squad feel free to add the leader (KingChaos) or send an apply.


Dear members of 23th division,

We are in the need of growth.
That's why i promoted fr3zh_Jive as our co-lead.
He's mature enough and respectful to fill the job.
I trust him to do a good job as a co-lead.

If you have any questions when i am not around, or anything else what you need assistance with, please contact fr3zh_Jive
9 years ago • 0 Like
if any of you guys encounter some good games with other players, feel free to ask them to join us!
9 years ago
If you ever encounter any messages from a guy named "Pavert14", please imagine him to look like this image: http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd310/sbtb_elliot5/shit-stain.jpg [i227.photobucket.com] and ignore him.

Edit: Yeah this guy tried to enter our platoon and grab people from our platoon to his own platoon... such a funny guy :) nobody messes with good players, with the looks of a poop spot in an underpants
9 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
are you still not capable of getting the following fact? : you are done, you're history. bubye.
9 years ago
kingchoas has cancer
9 years ago