Website: war9gaming.com •
Created: 2014-02-27
3,321,921 / 3,306,000
1104h 36m
Old member of war6 in mohf. Old sign in was JVigilante26. Im Erebus31. would like to get back in the crew if its possible
9 years ago • 0
HI i used to be in war9 back in MOH Warfighter, don't think you guys remember me couse i didn't even speak much... tough i'd like to join and learn if possible... i still have some of you guys as friend... hope you guys accept me in the platoon... looking forward to play with you guys
9 years ago • 0
Hey guys, just looking for some clan v clan scrimmages. Let me know if you guys are interested. You can message me on Battlelog or PSN: xCLOUTIER10x. Thanks.
9 years ago • 0
leader please join this platoon if interested
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/937230013120897368/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://i.imgur.com/ZCViLsv.jpg?1 [i.imgur.com]
We would like to inform you guys that Evolve Esports will be working side by side with Daddybeto1983 to host a 5 vs 5 Domination PS4 Tournament with $300 in prizes! Everyone is invited to come and participate in this tournament! If you feel your team has what is takes don't hesitate and take part of this event! Please follow us on Twitter @EvolveEsportsNA to stay updated with the latest news!
Tournament Rules Provided by ESB
Server Settings:
- 3D Spotting ON
- Friendly Fire OFF
- Killcam OFF
- Ticket Count 61%
- Spectators OFF
- All DMRs
- Shotguns (Including shorty 12g and M26)
- All DLC Weapons
- Minis, Impacts
- Mortars
- SUAV, UCAV, EOD Bot, T-ugs, MAV, Motion Balls, and Spawn Beacons
- M320 and XM25 Airburst (Except Smoke)
- C4, Claymores
- Rocket Launchers are now restricted to 1 maximum per team.
- ALL DLC gadgets
- Rooftops on Lancang Dam, Siege of Shanghai, Zavod 311, and Hainan Resort
Pick-up weapons on Domination are not allowed.
If a team violates a restriction, only the map the item was used on will be forfeited and not the entire match.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/937230013120897368/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://i.imgur.com/ZCViLsv.jpg?1 [i.imgur.com]
We would like to inform you guys that Evolve Esports will be working side by side with Daddybeto1983 to host a 5 vs 5 Domination PS4 Tournament with $300 in prizes! Everyone is invited to come and participate in this tournament! If you feel your team has what is takes don't hesitate and take part of this event! Please follow us on Twitter @EvolveEsportsNA to stay updated with the latest news!
Tournament Rules Provided by ESB
Server Settings:
- 3D Spotting ON
- Friendly Fire OFF
- Killcam OFF
- Ticket Count 61%
- Spectators OFF
- All DMRs
- Shotguns (Including shorty 12g and M26)
- All DLC Weapons
- Minis, Impacts
- Mortars
- SUAV, UCAV, EOD Bot, T-ugs, MAV, Motion Balls, and Spawn Beacons
- M320 and XM25 Airburst (Except Smoke)
- C4, Claymores
- Rocket Launchers are now restricted to 1 maximum per team.
- ALL DLC gadgets
- Rooftops on Lancang Dam, Siege of Shanghai, Zavod 311, and Hainan Resort
Pick-up weapons on Domination are not allowed.
If a team violates a restriction, only the map the item was used on will be forfeited and not the entire match.
10 years ago • 0
Forumfield Weekly Magazines Volume 2 Are Now Out!!
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064781235384617/1/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064781235384617/1/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0
http://www.esport-battlefield.com/consoles-net-conquest-ladder/ [esport-battlefield.com]
Get Signed up great way to keep active and have matches
Get Signed up great way to keep active and have matches
10 years ago • 0
Forumfield Magazines, each on includes a free battlepack!!
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150493983284603/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150493983284603/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0
Hi WAR9 , Our clan LH wanna play a clan-war with you in 15 v 15 , please add me to managing the match if you interested in , thank you
10 years ago • 0
wanting to set up a rwdy vs war9 if you're interested. let me know. we can do all except 16v16 or more
10 years ago • 0
We would like to set-up a match with you guys CQL Friday Night July 18th, 10:00pm est. That work?
10 years ago • 0
Hows it going guys , im looking for a solid group to play with on conquest , i can offer you beast air support :), im rank #3 in the uk with the little bird if that means anything lol , add me and hope to see you in game thanks.
10 years ago • 0
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sorry man, we dont get notifications when new people are posting on this. hit us up on PSN bro, our PSN names are all here. we'd love to try ya out and see what you can do.
10 years ago
Let me know if you guys are interested in playing some large conquest, small conquest, domination, rush...just about anything lol. Send me a friend request if you are, I might not remember to check this post.
10 years ago • 0
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