[V4] Vanguard of Four

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Created: 2014-02-27

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2012h 48m
Vanguard : noun - '' the foremost position of an army advancing into battle''
Hagster1969 & DavTan are the founders of v4
All 4 one & one 4 All
We deal in lead, friend !
Now remember , when things get bad and it looks like you aint gonna make it, you gotta get mean , real plumb mad dog mean !
Cause if you lose your head n give up, then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.


Hey Ho
8 years ago • 0 Like
getting a bit tired of playing on non lock on servers only to come up against multiple tanks using guided shell or staff and then being spammed by mbt law users ... beep beep beep
8 years ago • 1 Like
V4- "Member in spirit!"
8 years ago • 0 Like
hi ya dude ... how are you ? , i aint been on battlelog for a while so i missed your post .When you get an x1 come and join us on the BF ... v4 will still be kicking arse and taking names on BF1
8 years ago
v4 still going , looking forward to bf5
8 years ago • 1 Like
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Nah those kids don't faze me mate .. just making a point about the poor moderation and the way their clique gets away with stuff .. that whole thread made my point for me lol ... only locked yet the first post was in violation
8 years ago
Yep, point proven for sure.
8 years ago
hello chaps, i have now left the platoon, as i very much doubt i will be coming back to battlefield, (maybe tho occasional game) but very rarely, ive only been back on for 3 nights and the stress levels where right back up again, so its not for me !, had a very great time playing with you all, and having a good crack and a laugh, classed you all as friends. i will miss that side very much, but i wish you all the very best for the future, i will now look forward to no more bf related stress !! lol, no doubt will speak to you all again sometime ! stick in chaps and battle on.
9 years ago • 0 Like
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what am i gonna do for a bullet sponge now? Davtan keeps getting anoyed when we stand together and they always shoot him letting me get away.
9 years ago
I'm sure youv'e pinned a ''shoot me first '' sign on my back
9 years ago
Iano and his magic tricks - http://www.ludzone.com/who-needs-stairs/ [ludzone.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
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leet hax
9 years ago
My hax better than Iano's hax, 1 enemy 3 kills - http://xboxclips.com/v4+HAGster/5368396d-25a9-492d-8c47-3715456c3707 [xboxclips.com]
9 years ago
Hi how are you i was just looking at your Platoon and i see that you dont have many members would you be interested in joining 7DS
9 years ago • 0 Like
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Fook it I wanna join.
9 years ago
don't do a windshear1 on me Hags .... lol
9 years ago
9 years ago • 2 likes
9 years ago • 1 Like
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no i meant beach babes, just the babes they dont need the bikini's
9 years ago
9 years ago
Dave this is what happened with my jet =( - http://xboxclips.com/Old+LuGG/f1b12ed0-b06a-47fa-839b-385bd58dc024 [xboxclips.com]
9 years ago • 1 Like
reminded me of '' catch the pigeon , catch the pigeon '' ... lol
9 years ago
Just typical stuff that happens to me pretty much all the time, but now I can record it =P
9 years ago
man I forgot about this public bit, keep looking every day and thinking where are these bits people are saying they posted, note to self click public
9 years ago • 1 Like
get with the program ... old bean
9 years ago
Oh Hags... =P
9 years ago
Really enjoyed this round last night chaps
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/64/608405843008365248/1561489700/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 2 likes
yeah it was a hard fought match Ian , even though us 3 all outscored their top player ;-)
9 years ago
Good games last night V4, was great to get the old gang back together!!
9 years ago • 2 likes
nice one ian ... agree .... i got my xbone today
9 years ago
Good stuff, looking forward to getting some rounds in with you (and your opinion on XO!)
9 years ago
9 years ago • 1 Like
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I thought all the cool kids called it an xbone lol
9 years ago
oh cool, snap in the pvr and get 5 min records yes?
9 years ago
somthing special biyatches
http://youtu.be/1WYLTZiJbA0 [youtu.be]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Salve sono xXxJRaffy14xXx membro dei FWOI vi andrebbe una cw in dominio?
9 years ago • 0 Like
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Hello I am xXxJRaffy14xXx member of FWOI you would in a cw in domination.

I think thats what is said. Italian?
9 years ago
domination ... lol
9 years ago
Howdy V4, we've started making records of some of the hatemail we receive, I've posted my most recent today - http://www.ludzone.com/topic/awh-how-sweet/. [ludzone.com]
9 years ago • 1 Like
AHHH the old hackusations ..... huge lols .... it's all good
9 years ago
you leet haxor, how did you mod the EA server, do you have a leet team of navy seals to infiltrate them and plant your own servers so you can have world domination. Can i join
9 years ago
Just for the record ... Mclovin has apologised to me in party and takes back everything he said
9 years ago • 4 likes
Thanks to T4 for making my night, love seeing CoD players being identified and humiliated... That kid really does whine a lot... XD
9 years ago • 2 likes
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Unfortunately I don't play the 360 anymore, and have lost my ability to play with that controller. Otherwise I would really, really humiliate the dude XD
9 years ago
Hi Snak :)
9 years ago
DavTan you seem real mature mate. After I kick your ass you go crawling to my clan like a little bitch and moan about me? If you are the type of person to bitch about such things go play fucking Call of duty. And your clan is supposedly vanguard: "the foremost position of an army"... didnt seem like it when you sat in a corner with a LMG the entire game.

ps. no offense towards V4 clan. This is between me and DavTan, keep the clans out of it.
9 years ago • 2 likes
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hey mccryin err sorry i mean mclovin, who are you ? how do you know me? you couldnt guess that accurate of a discription, hmmmm, hehe da da da da daa mclovin it !
9 years ago
lol just read that while eating a 99p mayo chickin, da da da dada im mclovin it LOL fell off my chair Mogs
9 years ago