[2F4Y] 2F4Y
Website: 2f4y.com •
Created: 2014-02-27
49,198 / 77,000
586h 18m
Welcome @ 2F4Y.com!
No matter where you come from, how you look, regardless of your age, your religion, your sex or your preferences - we are pleased about the fact that you are there!
2F4Y is a friendly gaming community headquartered in the European Union. Our nature language is german, but we try our best to publish the content here in understandable english.
No matter where you come from, how you look, regardless of your age, your religion, your sex or your preferences - we are pleased about the fact that you are there!
2F4Y is a friendly gaming community headquartered in the European Union. Our nature language is german, but we try our best to publish the content here in understandable english.
As you might probably know Electronic Arts has announced the possible end of Battlefield2 because of the GameSpy Shutdown, but a solution exists: BF2Hub.com [bf2hub.com] - Your Battlefield2 rescue!
BF2Hub automatically saves your essential Battlefield2 data and makes your game playable even if GameSpy is closed.
2F4Y.com has joined the BF2Hub Network on (www.bf2hub.com) and you should download an install the BF2Hub Client as soon as possible in order to protect your Battlefield2 accounts (soldiers) and use them RANKED WITH STATS on our RANKED Battlefield2 server after GameSpy has ended their service!
Spread this information to all possible Battlefield2 resources you know. To the players, to the admins, to the providers, in social networks, wherever you might think BF2Hub is useful.
BF2Hub automatically saves your essential Battlefield2 data and makes your game playable even if GameSpy is closed.
2F4Y.com has joined the BF2Hub Network on (www.bf2hub.com) and you should download an install the BF2Hub Client as soon as possible in order to protect your Battlefield2 accounts (soldiers) and use them RANKED WITH STATS on our RANKED Battlefield2 server after GameSpy has ended their service!
Spread this information to all possible Battlefield2 resources you know. To the players, to the admins, to the providers, in social networks, wherever you might think BF2Hub is useful.
10 years ago • 2
TANBE2010 and
like this
http://clubkent.ru [clubkent.ru] <-WELCOME
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/cf7461e8-f299-4d11-a593-3bdf9fe880cb/CLUBKENT-RU-PRIXODI-K-HAM-nam-po-30-CLUB-KENT-obedinjaet/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/cf7461e8-f299-4d11-a593-3bdf9fe880cb/CLUBKENT-RU-PRIXODI-K-HAM-nam-po-30-CLUB-KENT-obedinjaet/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0
http://clubkent.ru [clubkent.ru] <- WELCOME
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/df529303-d15d-407f-b6e6-95654a3fda7f/clubkent-ru-Hardcore/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/cf7461e8-f299-4d11-a593-3bdf9fe880cb/www-clubkent-ru-zaxodim-na-sait-k-nam/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/df529303-d15d-407f-b6e6-95654a3fda7f/clubkent-ru-Hardcore/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/cf7461e8-f299-4d11-a593-3bdf9fe880cb/www-clubkent-ru-zaxodim-na-sait-k-nam/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
Hi Guys New Locker Server Enjoy
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/2feddb54-4672-47d1-9a48-64659fc85d24/PUNISHER-WAR-ZONE-24-7-Locker-All-Weapons-3200-TK/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/2feddb54-4672-47d1-9a48-64659fc85d24/PUNISHER-WAR-ZONE-24-7-Locker-All-Weapons-3200-TK/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
So take Notice youre lagging dump Scums! Youre all Blacklisted in whole BF4! Especially " Azozeli" is also marked as Dirtyplayer! We prefeer you stop insult us with your lagg! If you not stay away youre ID is shared to every EU Server Administration!
10 years ago • 0
new challenge for Clubradio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6nTk2-tBQ0 [youtube.com]
10 years ago • 0
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Well... My biggest problem about BF4 (if we are not talking about bugs) is the playerbase. Most of them are unable to play as a team. Voip and try to play as a team is annoying them. As you know me, I'm not a novellist and don't talking too much, only important things and keywords... But this is annoying them... (?) Got "shut up" and other one started to play music. I love the new generation :) /sarcasm
10 years ago • 0
Owner/leaders of this platoon, consider kicking KaaskopperT from your platoon. I am here to tell you that you have a hacker in your platoon. Try searching KaaskopperT on youtube and you will find results. I habe been a victim of his hacks. I am not here to tell you what to do just to inform you. I am in hope of that your platoon doesn't support cheating/hacking and modding of this game. Thank you.
10 years ago • 1
like this
I also told him I had, but have not taken action ...
this makes me think that they are all hackers,
this makes me think that they are all hackers,
10 years ago
in cheatometer all red lol
http://bf4db.com/players/2009454 [bf4db.com]
http://bf4db.com/players/2009454 [bf4db.com]
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0
10 years ago • 0
like this
Oh i guess i told you once we were playing bf2 and you even asked me about my rank
11 years ago
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/cf7461e8-f299-4d11-a593-3bdf9fe880cb/CLUBKENT-RU-PRIXODI-K-HAM-nam-po-30-CLUB-KENT-obedinjaet/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]