[EVO] Evolution

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Created: 2015-06-04

47,694 / 238,000

1551h 44m


Yo wassup guys, looking for a platoon. Im pretty dece. Im from Australia (SA)
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey EVO as you would of heard from Syphous he and myself have set up a server for the Hardcore AUS/NZ community it is called Baf-faunz Community Server where Meta is an admin so there should be no more problems over being kicked from a server unless rules are broken. Can find the rules on the website we have made that Syphous has linked below. So enjoy the server and hope to see you in game!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey EVO! I have setup a community website and forum for our little Xbox One Battlefield Hardcore community http://www.bfaunz.com [bfaunz.com] - Its an excellent place to organise matches and stay intouch with the community and will replace the use of crap battlelog as a method of organising platoons. I am still working on a little more mobile friendly version but every platoon in our community has their own Public Board (everyone can see) and a Private one (only clan members can see). See you on the Battlefield, Syphous.
9 years ago • 2 likes
I have moderated for a few Gaming communities in the past, so if anyone else has experience feel free to hit me up and I can throw you onto the admin.
9 years ago
Cheers man
9 years ago