[SHDX] SlaughterHouse DeluXe

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Created: 2014-03-17

3,795,752 / 3,306,000

1643h 42m
Its a slau slau... SlaughterHouse!

Hello and welcome the the SlaughterHouse Deluxe platoon page! We are an organized clan of friends looking to kill everything on the battlefield and have a good time doing it! Just a group of guys that like to play together and communicate, we have members online each and every night so you will always have an extra set of eyes with you on the battlefield.

Favorite game-modes include: Conquest, Obliteration, TDM, Rush, Domination, and STDM. Primarily been an Obliteration platoon as of recent, but as our size increases, our focus will follow suit and shift to include Conquest more in-depth.

We are always looking to add new members so if you have any interest please don't hesitate to message, call or text me anytime for more info.

Founder TREV742 (bl: TREV742)
@ 519-992-5942 or trevor_ellis_42@hotmail.com

CHiToWNMeRK (bl: chitownmerk15)
Flash_Prats1 (bl: Flash_Prats1)
VoloAltus (bl: alexjbuck)
SkillDatKillz (bl: SkillDatKillz)

More internal promotions coming!

bl= Battlelog
TDM= Team Deathmatch

Thanks for visiting our platoon page and remember, if you need a group on the battlefield just push the button for Slaughter!

SlaughterHouse out!


Any clan interested in a clan battle can message me or one of the other leaders of the clan. SHDX
10 years ago • 1 Like
Im interested! Hit me up brah! Lol
10 years ago
interested in a friendly scrim if you guys are down for hardcore obliteration please have your main organizer add me :D
10 years ago
does anyone still play on this?
9 years ago • 0 Like
https://youtu.be/eTmwrENe3sI [youtu.be] Thats right were fucking back boys .
10 years ago • 0 Like
ESSD is looking for a scrimmage ( hardcore only USA service . If u interested hit me with a friend RQ
10 years ago • 0 Like
hey boys, im with iX now, a clan relatively new to competitive BF4, we're looking for either 20v20 conquests, or 10v10 Domination scrims. We'd love to set up with you guys, so please hit me up on PSN as i dont get notifications on Battlelog when someone responds :) ll_3CoorsDown_ll
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
hey guys im with iX now, lookin for a 16v16 or 20v20 conquest scrim, let me know on PSN if youre interested, hope all is righteous in SHDX. later guys
10 years ago • 1 Like
Which country are you from? What time do you play?
10 years ago • 0 Like
some canada, some america
10 years ago
good games everyone! looking forward to playing you again hopefully!
10 years ago • 0 Like
wassup wassup!! hey im just tryin to confirm our scrim for this Sunday may 4th, we still have discussed a time for it yet lol. we have an Oblit scrim against TSC earlier in the day ( 2pm eastern, 11am western) so we can do it afterwards if you'd like. i think Naval Strike is the most balanced oblit maps but let me know what you guys wanna do. hit me up on PSN cuz i get Notifications on that. but lets figure this out yeah!? later.
10 years ago • 1 Like
glad we spoke yesterday! sunday at 8pm eastern 16v16 obliteration on Naval Strike best of 5! see you then man, should be fun
10 years ago
Hey lets figure this obliteration scrim out. best of 5? maybe in a few weeks on a Sunday Night?
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 6 comments Read more
thanks bro, not trying to bug you guys, we're just filling up dates here and i wanna get you guys in before our next few months are tied up lol!!! there's no rush really, ill just keep the 4th opened up for you guys.
10 years ago
May 4th sounds good man. lets do it in the evening preferably. Im thinking 8pm works. i have a baseball game at 1 so can't be daytime... lol let me know if that works for you guys. best of 5 sounds good, what maps are we going to play on? that can be decided later but whated to see where your heads at on that. appreciate it and look forward to this!
10 years ago
can i join ur platoon
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey I was wandering if your team is interested in joining a Battlefield 4 Tournament? Its called ''The Ultimate 32 Team Tournament''Hosted by StrategicGamingHQ it will be 16 vs 16 and its Rush, So far we have 26 Teams in the bracket and i'd really like for your team to join the Tournament. ive also tweeted battlefield if they are bringing ''Rented Servers'' they said yes very soon, once rented servers are back it will start two weeks after
10 years ago • 2 likes
One step at a time my friends!... Right to the top!
10 years ago • 1 Like