With you in the platoon is a cheater "neonardo 1"
All in the game have on "neonardo1" complained that he uses cheats or Boosting Cheats
"Neonardo1" was also often Reported at EA
He makes a shot a kill that is also known as one-Schoot killer
"Neonardo1" is a cowardly rat
Not only that he is cheating, then he is all the time on camping in boat
I would be ashamed of such a cheater like "neonardo1" a is to be together in a team or platoon
"Neonardo1" is a little coward who probably gotten no affection from his parents and thinks he may have to miss another game
With Cheat o-meter is "neonardo1" display as Cheater !!!!!!!
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/battlereport/show/1/723295752582744512/3078655 [battlelog.battlefield.com] 55/