[ACE] Beer and an Acesquad

  • Founder
  • Leader

View all Members (85)

Website: www.beerandanacesquad.jimdo.com • Created: 2014-02-27

20,829,117 / 3,306,000

5355h 51m

This is the one and only Beer and an ACESQUAD.

♠ We are a Platoon since the beginning of BF3 and were the first "ACE"-Platoon in BF4. We are made of Teamplayers and just play for the fun. We play a lot on Locker-only servers (mostly on SiC S2 Operation Locker).
Wir sind ein Platoon seit dem Beginn von BF3 und waren das erste "ACE"-Platoon in BF4. Wir bestehen aus Teamplayern und spielen um Spaß zu haben. Die meisten von uns spielen dabei auf Operation Spind (oft auf dem SiC S2 Operation Locker Server).

♠ We got Players from all over the world. Everybody is welcome (most of the active players are germans). We want to have a good time together and help each other out. Dont be afraid to ask questions.
Wir haben Spieler aus allen Ecken der Welt. Jeder ist willkommen, wobei die meisten aktiven Mitglieder aus Deutschland kommen. Wir wollen eine gute Zeit zusammen verbringen und uns gegenseitig helfen und unterstützen. Scheut euch nicht Fragen zu stellen.

♠ You can join our Teamspeak-Server to contact us aswell
Ihr könnt uns bei Fragen auch auf unserem Teamspeak-Server kontaktieren

We do no
t allow any Cheaters, Hackers or Macro-users in our Platoon.
Wir erlauben keine Cheater, Hacker or Macro-User in unserem Platoon.

- play to WIN the match
- play a lot on OPERATION LOCKER
- use TEAMSPEAK or voip ingame (we do not force u to use it, but its always nice to communicate with other ppl)
- are an EFFECTIVE PLAYER > K/D (~1.5), SPM (~700), KPM (~0.8) <
- like to FLANK and REVIVE 100%
- are +18 YEARS old
- are willing to wear the ACE-Tag and set ACE as ur active platoon
- agree to our RULES OF CONDUCT

Tretet uns bei wenn ihr:
- Teamplay mögt
- spielt, um die Runde zu gewinnen
- viel auf Operation Spind spielt
- gerne kommuniziert und euch taktisch absprechen wollt
- ein effektiver Spieler seid (> K/D (~1.5), PPM (~700), KPM (~0.8) <)
- flankiert und mit 100% wiederbelebt
- mindesten 18 Jahre alt seid
- euch dazu verpflichtet das Clan-Tag zu tragen und ACE als euer aktives Platoon nehmt
- euch an unsere Verhaltensregeln haltet


If you want to join go to our ACE-friends-platoon (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/5835661313575716246/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]) and apply there frist. We want you to play with us frist, so we can see if your playstyle matches with ours.

Wenn ihr beitreten möchtet, tretet bitte erst unserem ACE-Freunde-Platoon (ACEs) (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/5835661313575716246/) [battlelog.battlefield.com] bei. Wir möchten, dass ihr zunächst einmal mit uns spielt, damit wir sehen können, ob euer Spielstil zu unserem passt.



General (Founder): Mo3r3

Major (Leader): theLuckyBang

Lieutenant (CO-Leader): Robshop

Sergeant (Regular Members): Nojz_2, llMaydiell, AgentOrange_HUN, HighRolla92, Sergeant-Hawks, Kondentor, Kainator_18, BMSnerd, IIQuickFireII, nowdaturhere, Krytyk, mmorski, byzzik, Persia_Predator, HoizKopf01, Meltyman99, L3onn3, Frankonians, Quake-Zero-LXIX, cubx, MightContainGuts, Rainer_Zufall_J, DuexDeluxe, John_Porter117, GER_Toast, Brohsaphat, CptTristan, SuperPuforator, zimex42, MiNameEsChapo, Kilesk, ulTraxBoreean, it00n, Predarion, ixiVion, Kukachu, TheIoneRnger, xCruelPandax, xCruelKoalax, akaCarter, DrUNDER_THE_DOME, Gros_Pandaa, Kirumba88, WhazupKenthor, WittyExpert, Th3--DaRk--Q8, Zillarella, XinTapher, Fisupoika69, BlindSn4ke, NeoN-ISR

Private (New Members): RD-SChnuFFel, IB4LT4Z4RI, Darkside_Ghost_P, WR3KINGB4LL, triX_NOOBpad, Akcentowany

Companioned Platoons: ACEs

How the Platoonname originated:

Random Guy: "You are noobsquad."
We: "No - we are Acesquad!" (referring to the Ribbon)

► Being the Acesquad ► Been Acesquad ►
Beer n' Acesquad ► Beer and an Acesquad

- Mo3r3 (Founder) "You can't balance brains".


Join to our servers and favorite:
Serverimizi Favorilere Eklemeyi Unutmayın !
https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/010a974f-fadc-4724-b8f4-1964b0681ae0/NF-No-Fear-Battlefield-4-Server-800-Tickets-Fast-Vehicle/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Social Media:
Discord: https://discord.gg/tAuTvyN [discord.gg]
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPHXYM8tNzGnui3F1oPMXfQ?view_as=subscriber [youtube.com]
4 years ago • 0 Like

Feel free for joining our Locker Only Server!
Who are interesting for admin rights, PM me...

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/b40ebbc7-7da5-47ca-b899-d428c5c02e07/TLE-No-Explosive-No-Flare-M34-M18-C4/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
6 years ago • 0 Like
7 years ago • 1 Like
Hi. Can I join this platoon? I'm an average player, not pro. I play for fun. I can speak slovakian, hungarian, english and basic german, basic spanish.
7 years ago • 1 Like



Всем приятной игры и красивых побед!
До встречи на поле боя!

8 years ago • 0 Like
Heisse Möpse am russischem Törtchen.....mmmhhh
8 years ago
7 years ago
DuexDeluxe bekomme ich deine adr raus komme ich vorbei gebe dir ein versprechen das ich dir deine fgresse einschlage und deine familie wird anschaffen gehen das ist ein versprechen BFFB
8 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
wie ich den kerl liebe <3
8 years ago
8 years ago
(ACE) SH-R3SP4WN-98GER : Fuck Dreckcheater
8 years ago • 0 Like
(ACE) xScusi : Asoziales Dreckschwein.
8 years ago
8 years ago
ACE will be back for Battlefield 1 Open Beta!
8 years ago • 3 likes
kleine cheaters wie saxonia
8 years ago • 1 Like
BALM_PeggyX: m320 He 6500 kill u r so pathetic
8 years ago • 0 Like
Nice cheat fucking gay!
8 years ago • 1 Like
motehrfuckers squad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 years ago • 0 Like
8 years ago
8 years ago • 0 Like
Niemand mag braunes Gesocks =*
8 years ago
Wann hast B-Day? Ich send dir nen Duden zu
8 years ago
Kirumba88 drecks juden kind für das glitschen jetzt ban
8 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
was habe ich gesagt?
8 years ago
ist halt Schalke Fan
8 years ago
FOR EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO JOIN US: Visit and join our new 2nd Platoon "ACE-Friends" http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/5835661313575716246/. [battlelog.battlefield.com] Play with us and show us that you are worth being a real ACE-Member. If ur playstyle matches with ours, you can apply to this Platoon right here. Thanks for your understanding. - Mo3r3
9 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
Es wäre wirklich wünschenswert, wenn du endlich mal lernen würdest, vernünftiges Deutsch zu sprechen. Das geht ja auf keine Kuhhaut. Ich brauch bald ne Dechiffriermaschine, um deinen Geplapper zu verstehen. Komm wieder, wenn du einen vernünftigen Satz formulieren kannst.
8 years ago
ist leider echt so lel :D
8 years ago
IN YOUR PLATOON PLAYS A CHEATER http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/user/Robshop/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 2 likes
you better learn to play, son :)
8 years ago
lol ace squad shits ahhahha get skill suckers
9 years ago • 1 Like
mad kids <3
9 years ago
too funny how you two dickheads rage so hard :D seems like u dont understand the game/ how the server worked. 1: we play as a squad, cuz it's a teamplay-based game. 2: the server does not swap the teams after a round, so everyone stays in the same team. 3: playing as defender dont mean you have the highground (except for 1-2 Mcoms) . 4: u cant switch teams with 5 ppl at the same time. 5: you flame us for beeing noobs with no skill, yet u are just tankwhoring , what explains ur "pro" -KD 6: u stayed on the server just to annoy us because u were totally mad, what tells me a lot about ur personality 7: cryin about a gun and then using it urself = logic? 8: we actually never play on rush servers and yet u flame us and say "go play normal maps/gamemodes".
9 years ago
Vorsicht Cheater Viehzeug!
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago