[TDR] The Devils Rejects

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Website: www.tdrclan.com/ • Created: 2014-02-28

3,608,994 / 3,306,000

1873h 48m
=TDR= Kill Em' all! Hardcore |play fair, have fun, Kill Em' All!| Visit us @TDRclan.com

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/75a291ac-b43e-4900-a0b3-d64ab2a8c31c/TDR-Kill-em-All-HC-All-Maps-Chicago/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

"The Devils Rejects" go back many years starting back in the "Medal Of Honor Allied Assault" days and is a mature gaming clan playing on several different platforms. TDR is Based on maturity respect and above all having fun!


I waited quite a while to find Krieger and Fatalishizzzzzzzz again. When I saw you in a Rogue Transmission server, I couldn't wait to deny you access to that attack chopper. Here are the results:

Krieger1010: 25/33 - 5,747
FataLIsHIzzzZZzz: 19/23 - 4,309

Astanir: 42/27 - 11,494

It has gotten to the point where both of you combined can't even match my score. There's the proof I've been looking for: You guys can't play worth shit unless you whore the attack helicopter. I had too much fun putting rockets in your asses whenever you tried, and picking you off while you raged and searched for me was priceless.


I even directed my team to vote against Siege of Shanghai so you couldn't get your precious chopper. I love the tears; the delicious, rage-filled tears.

Until next time. <3 <3 <3

P.S: Krieger, when somebody headshots you with a P90 at 200 metres after you spray half a DMR mag at them, it's time to uninstall and play something else.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Reading this was almost as fun as realizing that you left a similar comment over a year ago. Obsession of this kind is unhealthy, my friend.

Sorry about your small penis.
8 years ago
Sore loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtyPHQgmoJc [youtube.com] Some maneuvers I've learnt by flying the attack chopper at Siege!
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys got a YBR Server going called YBR Gaming Hardcore Conquest, come join us and have fun. any spreading of the server would be appreciated. Thanks!
8 years ago • 0 Like
PSA: TV Missile Self-Destructs will most likely NEVER be Fixed in BF4;

https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield_4_CTE/comments/46d8jg/soooo_tv_missile_selfdestruct_glitch_is_never/d09lmw4 [reddit.com]

Sorry to bring you all this sad news.
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago
Just had a fun game with FATALISHIZZ lol. what a damn good heli player. Don't fly too low next time ;-) Good luck Guys and have a fun!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Thanx bro
Great fun with you too mang
9 years ago
hey losers , devils rejects,, your pathetic people and you should all die in real life. youre useless bf4 crackheads and a bunch of cocksuckers.
or come find me in rl and I will destroy you little devil cocksuckers.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Wow I know I have been gone from the game for over a year, but some of these make me laugh this one should be put on your banner lol. Have fun.
9 years ago
"Maturity, respect, playing fair" blah blah blah....what a laugh.

I've seen FATALISHIZZ and Krieger1010 for a while now. You only play servers with the attack chopper, and you stay dead unless you're in the heli. If someone else jumps in, you switch teams or even servers because you can't do anything else in this game. It's quite sad, really.

But a while back, I started to catch on to your tactics. You roll up behind the enemy's spawn and wait for the attack chopper so you can gun them down before they leave. This is "playing fair" to you? And then you badmouth people that take you down with childish insults...yeah, "maturity and respect" abound.

Here's the deal. I take great pleasure in making you two whine and cry, and whenever I see you in a server from now on, you're not going to be able to fly. It's very easy for me, and watching you bitch to the admins about it is hilarious. I've kicked your asses without a gunner on many occasions, but it's even more fun to troll you into the ground. I've seen you guys play too many times and have caught on to your tactics and playstyle. You make it too much fun. :D

So you can insult me, call me names, cry to admins, whatever. It has no effect. Fact of the matter is, you'd best watch your back, boys. Because I take great pleasure in ruining your experience, and you let me do it far too easily.

See you on the Battlefield!
9 years ago • 1 Like
9 years ago
it would be in the best interest of this clan to get rid of Krieger1010. he is a blatant and shameless hacker and glitcher
10 years ago • 0 Like
This clan is fine thanks for your concern though
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like
Gees, what happen did we kick your ass? Sry about that but you will get better if you practice, (a lot)
10 years ago
i think someone needs a hug and a nap
10 years ago
Your server isn't that great fyi
11 years ago • 1 Like
Thanks for trying out our server. Thanks for the feedback. You have such a positive ora about you. How is it we can make your experience better? Maybe you have some in-site into running a server . We are here to please you and you alone. Thanks for the comment.
11 years ago
hey phoenix what about me next?
10 years ago
Am I a noob?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Krieger sucks.
10 years ago • 0 Like
lmao, love that
10 years ago