[BFXP] BF Experiences

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This platoon is for those involved in the BF Experiences Discussion Group, any fans of my CTE Experiences threads, or anyone else who wants to be involved in my BF Experiences work.

For those not in CTE, It's also as good a place as any to ask questions on what's going on in CTE, or to ask someone to get a developer response on a particular issue.

BF Experiences on Twitter [twitter.com]

BF Experiences on Youtube [youtube.com]


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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0 Like
It was a pleasure playing with all of you. I give you DICE by TrackerWho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ2LdLXf81U [youtube.com] Please consider donating to Swoopty-VI who is a Battlefield Friend and is fighting a rare and fast cancer requiring bone marrow transplant. https://www.gofundme.com/Transplant4Allison [gofundme.com] http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494204995676/last/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys, im in the Skype group etc and active as much I can in the CTE, may I join? :D
9 years ago • 1 Like
why are Dice not listening the jet pilots?

the stealth jet has no more propose... they increased to much the power of AA with the new 30mm cannon. if before was already hard fly with a AA on the ground, now its impossible. too many frustration.

can someone tell why?
9 years ago • 1 Like
I know,korpus,ghost gaming and many other jet pilots are annoyed by these unannounced and untested changes NO ONE ASKED for them!!
9 years ago
Good morning Founders of BF Experiences.

My name is Sam and I'm the founder of Global Force Elite. We are a like minded platoon very similar to BF Experiences. At the time of typing this - we currently have 26 members across PS, XB and PC formats. I am writing to you to see if you would be interested in an Alliance between our respective platoons in order to help them both grow and to help members from each platoons network with each other, join both platoons so our numbers are greater and ultimately get maximum enjoyment out of the game in playing with / against each other.

Please feel free to check out the platoon bio and see what you think. Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Kindest regards, Sam aka MISTER YIZZLE.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Podcast felt pretty good tonight, til maybe that last topic lawl.

https://youtu.be/YQPOI9wwNeM [youtu.be]
9 years ago • 0 Like
I wanted you just to inform you that your a player mor1208 figs in your communities have offended the other players in the game and with very bad foul language
I'd feel so ashamed to have one in my clan does nothing except camping ud other players to offend
9 years ago • 1 Like
Where did I do what?
9 years ago
I made a report of what happened so far in the BF Experiences Discussion Group. Check it out, and comment!

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065241710504261/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Join the developers in skype!

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064791698534183/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 2 likes
Yep, new CTE Experiences post again!

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064791508572182/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 1 Like
CTE Experiences: In Before the Lock

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494157712108/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 1 Like
CTE Experiences 18: Jjju the Gun-tease

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065241061311816/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
CTE Experiences 17: Jungle Fever is up!
And I named it wrong...

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494137416668/1/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
If anyone can come up with a way to get me a better emblem than the gawd awful one I just made, they can have...

An internet cookie.
9 years ago • 0 Like