[M1] Martyrs
Website: discord.gg/ffspeey •
Created: 2018-05-13
0m 0s
If you would like to join M1, then grab a mic, grab a muffin and coffee, join our Discord at https://discord.gg/FfSpeeY [discord.gg] then go fap your donkey for some instant gratification.
We are currently accepting free membership for teabaggers, hot teachers that bang twinks after class, hookers without pimps, homosexual astronomers, refugees from other platoons, porkers, smokers, amputees, quadrapalegic elves, zombie strippers, COD and MW washouts, white hip-hop artists, BF2 Strike at Karkand fanatics, alcoholic preachers, Honda Gromers, nude gnomes from northern New York, BF3 metro junkies, potheads, Canadian metal heads, and pretty much anyone else.
Pedophiles, furries, hoplophobes, thots, traps, or snowflake liberals need not apply. We have standards here.
We are a social network of gamers and part-time drunks. We don't have time to run servers cuz we are spending all of our time splooging on them. There are no membership fees, boring meetings, or stats requirements. You will get special treatment and a possible leadership role if you are a military veteran, member of the NRA, have a college degree with a major in anti-drama or can say "Illinois" without pronouncing the "s".
M1 is rated M for Mature. You must have your mom's permission to join if you're still living in her basement.
We are currently accepting free membership for teabaggers, hot teachers that bang twinks after class, hookers without pimps, homosexual astronomers, refugees from other platoons, porkers, smokers, amputees, quadrapalegic elves, zombie strippers, COD and MW washouts, white hip-hop artists, BF2 Strike at Karkand fanatics, alcoholic preachers, Honda Gromers, nude gnomes from northern New York, BF3 metro junkies, potheads, Canadian metal heads, and pretty much anyone else.
Pedophiles, furries, hoplophobes, thots, traps, or snowflake liberals need not apply. We have standards here.
We are a social network of gamers and part-time drunks. We don't have time to run servers cuz we are spending all of our time splooging on them. There are no membership fees, boring meetings, or stats requirements. You will get special treatment and a possible leadership role if you are a military veteran, member of the NRA, have a college degree with a major in anti-drama or can say "Illinois" without pronouncing the "s".
M1 is rated M for Mature. You must have your mom's permission to join if you're still living in her basement.