[EGS] European Game Society

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Website: multipl3x.wixsite.com/europeangamesociety • Created: 2016-02-18

6,242,780 / 3,306,000

3047h 47m

✪✪✪ - Welcome to EGS - ✪✪✪

join Discord, https://discord.gg/8zsyR85 [discord.gg]

=EGS= is always Recruiting and Looking for new Members and Active Admins. Join us today for Teamplay and Friendship and Social Updates! You don't want to miss out on being part of our largest Growing Gaming Community.

If you like us, and you want to participate in our platoon, just add us with a simple click on''APPLY'' !
Remember when you join our platoon dont forget to use the EGS tag so that other player(s) can see that you belong to EGS! When we accept you, go to our platoon, and under the logo "Click" Use Emblem and Tag Button to activate it correctly.




https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/c12bd5c2-746e-42e9-ba70-14240309b45a/EGS-Vanilla-Maps-DLC-Conquest-Large-VoteMap/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Our Servers is Administrated and Protected by the most Advanced ANTI-Cheating Tools (BF4DB, GGC-Stream, PBBans, ACI, Metabans)


✪ - EGS Conditions


✪ What are the conditions to join us?

☑ You are in possession of Battlefield 4
☑ You are in possession of a good Headset.
☑ Wearing our ClanTag and Emblem = Recommend
☑ Show adult behavior on TeamSpeak/Game Servers.
☑ Cheating is strictly Forbidden, the Penalty is deleting from the Clan.
☑ As EGS member restrain yourself from insulting other players, show respect for fellow players and opponents, you are representing the EGS!
☑ Take full advantage of our TeamSpeak server: this strengthens the bonds and allows for more involvement and sociability within the group.
☑ Play as much as possible on our own server!




Donations are not an obligation, but they're welcome for the maintenance of this server and to support future developments that we plan for the community. Keep the EGS Server up for the next few months! If you want to donate or you want a VIP slot for 1 month press the link! thanks you!

There is a fixed amount established for a VIP-Membership

✪ VIP-Membership (1 Month €3,99)
✪ VIP-Membership (3 Months €11,99)
✪ VIP-Membership (6 Months €23,99)
✪ VIP-Membership (12 Months €32,99)*4 moths Free

https://www.paypal.me/Multipl3X [paypal.me]

These costs will be covered by: Site hosting, rent Battlefield 4 Server(s) and TeamSpeak Server.




✪✪✪✪----->>https://multipl3x.wixsite.com/europeangamesociety/vip-donations [multipl3x.wixsite.com]<<------✪✪✪✪

Greets the European Game Society!


Hello....like the server!
8 years ago • 2 likes
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i think it was TriVotion2 that asked me to apply as an admin on your EGS PC servers. If not ill be happy to just join as a member
8 years ago • 0 Like
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accept me please, as non leader and regular player
8 years ago • 1 Like
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Please fix the autobalancer, it sucks when you're playing with friends for the win and you just got swapped. It's very lame.
8 years ago • 1 Like
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Yoo thanks for the accept!
8 years ago • 0 Like
I like the NL ;)
8 years ago
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Hiermit melde ich mich zum dienst und möchte mich bei TriVotion für meine einberufung bedanken ;). Somit von mir ein 3-faches wohaaa an alle Mitglieder......., und ja auch an die mit höherer stimme ;)!
Lets have fun, its just a game! Teamplay will bring the win! Good night good fight!

Be the last men on my left side, to take the lock foward and let the fallen ones left behind.
And if i want the last staying one thanks ur help, i will remember in good thinks too, driving to your home and fuck ur wife, for you ;)! Hope on someones humor.
8 years ago • 2 likes
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please invite me
8 years ago • 0 Like
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any way we get get our squad on a whitelist? some now have a kdr too high but we like your server.
8 years ago • 1 Like
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8 years ago • 0 Like
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Attention! BF4 Dragon's Teeth is now free until may 10th! Everyone how's loading until then will it have forever!

http://www.battlefield.com/en-gb/news/road-to-battlefield?setLocale=en-gb [battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0 Like
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