[MURK] The Murking Crew

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Website: www.themurkingcrew.wordpress.com • Created: 2015-07-11

4,959 / 21,000

204h 19m
Hey, welcome to the Clan! In the clan We really don't have rules, but a few. That rules will be listed Below with other to come. Anyway I hope you have fun with all the other members, and enjoy yourself.

1. When you join this clan you will, and shall only Represent this clan, and this clan only!

2. Asking for a promotion in the clan is not aloud. Promotions are handed out to individuals when we fell they are ready.

If any of these rules are broken any one of the founders may have permission the kick you from the platoon.

Well now that you know the rules, here are the basics.
In our clan we play for fun, but when we don't we take it semi seriously. We think if you take the game to serious it just ruins the fun. So just do't spoil the fun for anyone else if you do like to take it seriously.

Okay. So the basics are covered now here are something you need to keep in touch with the clan.


Sometimes some of us aren't always on the Xbox. We like to make sure that no matter what that we know if you want to talk to use. so please, if you don't already have these, get them now.

1. Kik- we use Kik to send each others messages without being online. It is just an easier way to message each other.

2. Skype- We use this to talk when some one isn't online. So to say if we were to have a clan battle

3. SmartGlass App Xbox One- We use this to message online people directly when they aren't getting it on kik. It is also a good way to see what people have been up to lately.

Well now that you know everything I hope you enjoy being in this clan and supporting it. Every clan Member is equal to Every leader and Founder Remember that. Now don't forget to apply the Emblem and tag! When your done with that go out and play some Battlefield!

Brought to you by the Original Founder: Kat2798


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9 years ago • 1 Like
8 years ago