most conceited, arrogant and unfair suqad players I´ve ever seen. Thought swedish people would be good mates, but there are always exceptions. Allt som allt, det är synd att jag måste träffa er och knulla dig!
LMFAO not only me then that is thinking the same way about that clan, i just witnessed 4 rank 140's meching against real low rank players so glad i recorded game and screened there stats
Bunch of balless cowards and Gab is a fkin sly thot
So take Notice you useless Primates! Youre whole Platoon is from now Blackliste don every EU Server! Also marked as Dirtyplayer! We prefer you insult players without Reason, also stop insult us with your useless present on any Server! if you not change significant your gameplay youre whole ID´s are shared/banned soon! Enjoy youre futuregames!