[RK] Reetkevers

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Created: 2014-03-01

156 / 11,000

19h 57m
We're not german, but we still come from behind.


Rekt diesel-Stiefel so hard he banned me for admin abuse :D
9 years ago • 0 Like
damn Diesel, "admin abuse" best reason ever... what an "admin". Did you finish learning your ABCs at kindergarten, or maybe you're still pooping in you diapers? Well, you are a pathetic piece of excuse of a human being, how about you first learn some common sense and then start playing games like Battlefield... well actually go back to CoD, that's where mentally challenged people like you belong.
9 years ago
Yeah he did the same thing to me. I did average good in tanks, and kept getting killed by admin and got kicked when i killed him. Confronted him with admin abuse, and damn right - Got banned, stated reason admin abuse. Good thing he got some sense of humor. Still, a completely retarded admin.
9 years ago
Hey Du Admin Lappen - Diesel Stiefel.
Du behauptest ich campe mit einem Tank und killst mich dann als Public Player weil du durch mich gestorben bist? Wenn man die Kommentare hier so liest bist Du eine absolute Graupe und kannst einfach nicht verlieren. Alter Du bist so peinlich für die Spielgemeinde. Hauptsache Bildchen im Profil wo aufem Kopp gepisst wird. Du bist voll der Held.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Diesel-stiefel, 4000+ kills in a tank but still he plays as a noob. Normally I wouldn't mind, but I do if you start kicking people for being better than you
9 years ago • 1 Like
Yes, thats Diesel Stiefel, a big looser. Killed Public Player as Admin while they played better.
9 years ago
Diesel Is the worst badmin ever l2p kicking ppl becuse they are good low
9 years ago • 1 Like
Haha Diesel du kleine scheiss naab xD tötet man dich Kickst du Instant leute vom server =P du kack naab lern spielen
9 years ago • 2 likes
lol diesel was bist du denn für eine kackfratze nur weil man dich killt mit nem heli kickst du permanent die leute vom server.....

lern spielen kleiner oder lass es am besten und switche auf tetris um

9 years ago • 3 likes